Chapter 704

Aunt Qing hurriedly scolded Lanchun, "Damn girl! It's only been a few days since I asked you to serve Yan'er? You actually let Yan'er catch a cold. I'll write down the punishment first. Hurry up and find a doctor to show Yan'er." look!"

Lan Chun nodded, and quickly walked out of Xiayun Tower to find the doctor.

Rong Yi looked at the third floor worriedly, and wanted to go up to see her, but felt that it was inappropriate to rush into another girl's room like this.

He didn't know what was going on with him, he obviously didn't even see the girl's face, but was only fascinated by her pair of eyes full of affection and her charming voice.

Yesterday he sent his bodyguards to follow her soft sedan all the way, wanting to know which family she was from, but unexpectedly, she was from Xiayun Tower.

She talks like that, and has such a temperament, she doesn't look like a woman raised in a dirty place like a brothel.

Rong Yi didn't disdain her just because she was a brothel girl, on the contrary, he felt that heroes don't care about their backgrounds, and that exquisite beauties naturally have nothing to do with their backgrounds.

Aunt Qing smiled like a flower, and said flatteringly, "Mr. Rong, do you want to go upstairs to see Miss Yan'er?"

Rong Yi shook her head, took out an ingot of gold ingot from her waist, and stuffed it into Aunt Qing's hand, her commanding tone was strong.

"Trouble you to take good care of Miss Yan'er. After a few days, Miss Yan'er will recover. I'll come again."

When Aunt Qing saw the gold ingot, her eyeballs almost got glued to it, and she hurriedly took it. The heavy ingot of gold seemed a little hot to the touch.

"Definitely, even if the young master doesn't give this ingot of gold, I will definitely take good care of Yan'er. I treat Yan'er as if I were my own daughter. I hold Yan'er in my hand for fear of falling, and hold it in my mouth for fear of melting!"

Rong Yi didn't listen to her words carefully, but looked up reluctantly at Yan Huan's room on the third floor, and before going out, she was worried and told Aunt Qing to take good care of her.

Aunt Qing sent Rong Yi away with a smile on her face, and touched the gold ingot in her bosom when she came back, she was speechless with joy.

Sure enough, a big fish was caught!

Now you can get a lot of money, gold and silver!

Mr. Rong is really extraordinary. He is just taking care of the doctor. It is such a big ingot of gold ingots. If he sells Yan'er's first night to him in the future, Mr. Rong will be happy, and the gold ingots he will reward will be too many to count. !

But Yan'er's personality is too stubborn, she doesn't even want to eat and drink with guests, let alone sell her body to sleep with her, if it doesn't work well, she might rather be broken than whole.

Now coax her well first, rely on her in everything, wait for that first night, when you put some aphrodisiac, how can she be stubborn and refuse to accompany the guests, really think of herself as a chaste and strong woman?

Aunt Qing calculated everything in her heart, and ordered Xiao Qi to go to the kitchen to make ginger soup and send it to Yan Huan. She lifted her skirt, went upstairs happily, and even hummed a little song.

Get rich, get rich, Mr. Rong is no ordinary person, now relying on Yan'er, a cash cow, he is really going to make a fortune!

Yan Huan here was sneezing on the bed.

Meng Qi came in through the half-closed window, patted his body obediently with his little paw, and then jumped onto Yan Huan's bed.

Yan Huan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly sat up from the bed, pinching one of its little paws, "How is it? Have you found the monk I told you about?"

Meng Qi nodded obediently.

"Then did you see his dream?"

 Thank you Meng Chunqiu for rewarding 5095 book coins~

  Thanks Yu Shi for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Liluoi for rewarding 688 book coins~

  Thanks to the president of the Chinese Latiao Association for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for your favorite Yun Hua, who rewards you with 100 book coins for attacking~

  Thanks to my confidant g for rewarding 788 book coins~

  [Okay, okay, I know you all want to keep Mengmeng, okay, okay, Mengmeng undressed and warmed you up...]

  [I know that I reward myself with silly fufu, but Su!There are too many people on top of me on the fan list!today!I also want to have a rising dream that I don't want to be suppressed!Rise! 】

(End of this chapter)

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