Chapter 708

[For your favorite Yun Hua to attack and add more~]

Bodhidharma held the lottery in his hand, the bamboo stick was still light blue because it was rarely drawn.

This is a sign in marriage.

He curled his lips into a faint smile, and he could not see the emotion in his eyes when he lowered his eyes, and his tone was as calm and calm as usual.

"The lottery drawn by the benefactor is very good."

He himself didn't know why his words easily became deceptive lies.

Yan Huanxin relaxes.

What she was looking for was marriage, the marriage between her and Bodhidharma.

Even though she didn't believe much in the gods and Buddhas, she was still somewhat worried if she signed the lottery.

"Then I would like to ask the holy monk, what does this lottery say?"

Bodhidharma looked at the signed letter without squinting, and said calmly, "Once the destined marriage is established, the bridal chamber will be filled with joy and joy, and the two hearts will have nothing to worry about.

Although she couldn't understand what was said in it, Yan Huan could vaguely understand the meaning of a destined marriage, bridal chamber festivities, and mandarin ducks, which meant a happy relationship.

"The female benefactor's marriage is going well, and she will meet a bosom friend, and fall in love till the end of her life. Congratulations."

He is a ruthless and heartless person, and there is no emotional meaning in saying this kind of words from him, but Yan Huan heard his clear voice, saying "love to the end", inexplicably felt that it was particularly beautiful and provocative.

She smiled, her brows and eyes curled up again, her heart was as sweet as honey.

"Thank you, Holy Monk."

She turned around and gave Lan Chun a wink. Lan Chun took out a piece of broken silver from her waist and put it into the merit box.

Yan Huan took advantage of Xiaoliu and Xiaoqi's inattention, and quickly stuffed the two hairpins in Bodhidharma's wide sleeves.

One is a silver hairpin inlaid with beads and agate, and the other is a gold hairpin with eight treasures and pearls.

These two hairpins are both of excellent quality and exquisite workmanship, and they should be able to exchange for some silver taels at the pawn shop.

Bodhidharma's face froze, and he looked up at her wonderingly. The woman's jet-black eyes were clear and transparent, embedded in them like fine obsidian, revealing eager expectation and hope.

"Trouble Saint Monk."

She gave him the hairpin and asked him to pawn it in exchange for silver to redeem her body.

It's just that for a person like Aunt Qing, seeing that money is open, she can use her calmness to get a lot of gold and silver, just 100 taels, Aunt Qing will probably not agree to redeem her body.

I don't know if this stupid monk has made a written statement with her, otherwise, if Aunt Qing refuses to admit it, there is really nothing she can do about it.

Yan Huan was about to ask him secretly when Xiao Liu moved closer and urged him in a calm voice.

"Girl, let's go somewhere else."

Xiaoliu and Xiaoqi knew that Bodhidharma was going to redeem her, so they were very wary and suspicious of their alone contact.

Yan Huan looked at Bodhidharma helplessly, and nodded reluctantly, "Okay, then let's go to another hall to have a look."

Bodhidharma clasped his hands together, his eyes were light, "Amitabha, the Buddha blesses the benefactor."

When Yan Huan walked away, his nervous heart returned to its original place a little bit.

He hasn't realized until now that he just lied without changing his face in order not to make her sad.

Still in this hall, he lied in front of the Buddha!

Bodhidharma spread out the bamboo stick in his hand, pursed his lips, and his eyes became more worried.

"If fate is not compatible, don't force it. Even if you ask for it, you will worry. It's not about marriage, it's not about marriage, it's about letting go and returning to hell."

Let go and return to hell.

There was a lot of cold sweat on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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