Chapter 709

[For your favorite Yun Hua to attack and add more~]

Pretending to be cold and uncomfortable, Yan Huan only pretended for three days, and there was really no reason to continue pretending.

She eats well and sleeps well every day, with a smile on her face, and she walks with wind, and she can't be seen as a sick and weak person at all.

She could hide for a while, but she couldn't hide for a lifetime, as long as she was still in Xiayun Building, she couldn't hide from meeting with Rong Rong, so she simply stopped pretending to be sick.

So on the fourth day, Aunt Qing sent someone to Rong's house to deliver a message to Rong Yi, saying that Miss Yan'er's body had recovered, and in order to thank him for his concern last time, she specially asked him to go to Xiayun Tower for dinner.

Yan Huan said: . . .

Obviously you want to make money yourself, but you still say that I am interested in him?
Invited by the beauty, Rong Yi came to Xiayun Building that night, it was a good time for business, Aunt Qing reserved a box for him, and Yan Huan behind the bead curtain was waiting there early.

She said that she would not drink and eat with the guests, but Aunt Qing agreed immediately.

Aunt Qing is used to all kinds of men, so of course she knows how to grasp a man's heart. Man, it's too early and too easy for him to get what he wants, but he doesn't cherish it so much when he gets it.

So from the very beginning, he accompanied the guests and sold himself to attract them. After a few times, the man got tired of it, and discarded it like a pair of shoes. Seeing the beauty, this makes my heart itch.

The door opened with a creak, and Rong Yi was the only one who came in. He looked behind the bead curtain, Yan Huan stood up holding the pipa and saluted, and said calmly, "Which song do you want to hear, my lord?"

The face of the woman behind the bead curtain was faintly discernible, but the familiar soft voice, even the most common questions, seemed to Rong Yi to be more pleasant than what others said.

Rong Yi sat at the table outside, he looked at Yan Huan behind the bead curtain without blinking, he only cared about it.

"Are you in good health?"

Yan Huan didn't expect that the first thing he said was concerned about her body.

This is different from what she expected.

She thought that Rong Yi would be upset that she was sitting behind the beaded curtain and playing the pipa, and would force her to drink with her. After drinking and eating, she might think...

So she brought Meng Qi over, and hid behind the flower pot, with a hairpin on her head, which was really not enough, but she could still protect herself.

Her answer was a bit slow, "My concubine's body has recovered, thank you for your concern, young master."

Rong felt that she answered slowly, thinking that she was called by Aunt Qing to accompany her guests because she was not in good health, at this time she dared not speak out.

He raised his eyebrows, a little angry, "Are you not feeling well, and Aunt Qing forced you to come and accompany me?"

"...The concubine's body is really healed."

Rong Yi stood up helplessly, sighed, walked to the front of the bead curtain, and said solemnly.

"As for me, I just don't care about what I like, and I don't care about my status. I will never look down on you as a brothel girl. If you are wronged, you can tell me."

His words were sincere, Yan Huan rarely looked up at him.

Men, especially men who come to the brothel, what they say can be somewhat true, and they are all for the sake of sleeping with you and coaxing you first.

Rong Yi said tentatively, "I didn't mean to enter this Xiayun Tower, it was Aunt Qing who used means to get you in."

Seeing that Yan Huan didn't interrupt him, he continued, with a serious tone that didn't sound like a joke, "If you want, I can redeem you."

 Thanks to Che Yuner for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you ﹏Mo Li for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for your favorite Yun Hua, who rewards you with 100 book coins for attacking~

  [Good evening ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah...]

(End of this chapter)

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