Chapter 712

[For your favorite Yun Hua to attack and add more~]

During the few days when Rong Yi didn't come to see her, Yan Huan clearly felt that Aunt Qing's attitude towards her had changed 360 degrees.

In the past, she came here from time to time to deliver some cakes, or bird's nest porridge, white fungus soup, and asked her how much she was doing a few times a day, wishing to hold her in her hands and take care of her.

In the past few days, his attitude has become worse and worse, with sarcasm, cold snorts and eye rolls, and even three meals a day are deliberately postponed, and Lan Chun has to wait an hour or two to serve meals in the kitchen.

Aunt Qing deliberately made her feel uncomfortable, letting her know that in Xiayun Building, Aunt Qing is the master, and all of them, whether they are famous or not, must listen to Aunt Qing.

Yan Huan rested his chin and looked out the window every day. The two hairpins had already been given to Bodhidharma, so they should be worth a lot of money. Adding in the silver he raised himself, there must be 100 taels, right?

Hey, this stupid monk has never seen so much silver, so excited, he stuffed all the silver into the merit box and gave it to the Buddha, right? !
"Girl, girl!"

Lan Chun slapped the door open, and shouted in a fuss as soon as she entered, "That monk is here! That monk is here!"

Yan Huan quickly sat up from the window, his eyes widened in shock and excitement, "Is that the monk who wants to redeem me?!"

Lan Chun nodded again and again, happy for Yan Huan.

The girl is a good person, a good person, she shouldn't stay in this brothel, and just be a poor woman who is played by men and bullied by Aunt Qing for the rest of her life.

If she is redeemed and becomes free, the girl is still a virgin, and she can still marry safely and live an ordinary and happy life.

Yan Huan quickly pulled up his messy hair, "Where is he?"

Lan Chun curled her lips, her excited tone weakened, "It's in Aunt Qing's room."

How could Aunt Qing, a treacherous woman, and a simple and kind monk like Bodhidharma beat Aunt Qing?
When the time comes to redeem her body but not to redeem her, Aunt Qing cheated her of the money in the end, that would really be a lost wife and a soldier!
Yan Huan frowned, with a serious expression on his face, and as soon as he opened the door, he was about to go to the second floor, "I have to go and have a look!"

Lan Chun was worried, so he had to follow.

Aunt Qing's room was half open, as if she was deliberately waiting for Yan Huan to come over, but Yan Huan stood politely at the door and knocked on the door, and only after getting Aunt Qing's consent did she and Lan Chun enter her room.

When she saw Bodhidharma, she felt warm in her heart, as if she was shrouded in warm sunshine, warm and comfortable.

But Dharma met her gaze, and quickly turned away, his cheeks blushed uncontrollably, so cute and cramped.

Sitting opposite Bodhidharma, Aunt Qing cast a cold glance at Yan Huan, took a sip of hot tea from her teacup, and then slowly opened her mouth with a smile, the corners of her lips curled up in contemptuous irony.

"You said you raised 100 taels of silver and you want to redeem Yan'er, right?"

Bodhidharma clasped his hands together and said respectfully, "Amitabha, that's right."

Aunt Qing sneered, covered her face with a handkerchief, and giggled, her eyes were very mocking.

"Hey, I meant at least 100 taels, but Yan'er's worth, 100 taels? It's not too bad to buy her a finger!"

Yan Huan frowned.

She knew that this old woman was definitely not so easy to talk to!

Bodhidharma was not angry, so he could only ask in a tempered manner, "My little monk, I would like to ask the benefactor, how much is Miss Yan'er's worth?"

Aunt Qing waved her handkerchief and snorted.

 [There is another chapter...]

(End of this chapter)

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