Chapter 713

【For His Highness the Seventh Highness Lelega~】

"Don't think about redeeming Yan'er, she has already been taken over by a rich young man!"

As soon as these words came out, the other three people present were stunned!

Yan Huan was startled and angry, Lan Chun was astonished without realizing it, and Bodhidharma was...

He frowned in confusion, raised his eyes and asked Aunt Qing solemnly.

"I don't know, little monk, what does it mean that this is covered...?"

Yan Huan:. . .

She was unable to support her forehead and felt very tired.

He is really pure and innocent, ignorant of world affairs, only knows how to chant scriptures and worship Buddha.

Aunt Qing covered her lips and laughed tremblingly. Finally, she patted the table a few times. She was out of breath from laughing. She rubbed her temples for a while before recovering. She laughed and talked intermittently.

"I said, hey, I said you monk, you don't understand anything, what are you doing to redeem my girl? Hey, do you understand love between men and women? Do you understand?"

Bodhidharma bowed his head and replied quite seriously, "Young monk has no feelings or desires, and he doesn't understand the relationship between men and women."

Aunt Qing rolled her eyes, "You don't understand the relationship between a man and a woman, so what are you going to do to redeem Yan'er? Hey, could it be that you put her in your temple as a vase, and put it on display every day?"

Yan Huan interrupted Aunt Qing's words, her face turned cold, and her tone was heavy with displeasure and anger. She suppressed the anger of losing her temper, clenched her fists tightly, and trembled all over.

"Didn't I discuss it with Aunt Qing before, and I won't accompany or pick up the guests for the time being. Why did you... directly agree to be hired by others? Didn't you ask me what I mean?"

Aunt Qing shook her veil helplessly, with an innocent expression on her face, "That man has money and power, and if he wants to keep you, what can I do? If I don't agree, he will smash my Xiayun Tower!" ?”

She raised her hand and stroked her temple hair, hypocritically and helplessly, "My Xiayun Building is open for business, and what I do is flesh and blood business. How can there be a reason for a girl to hide in the building and not let customers order?"

A mouthful of depression was stuck in his heart, and his heart felt dull and uncomfortable.

Bodhidharma probably understands the meaning of this package...

Is Miss Yan'er bought by another man for money?

There was also a feeling of discomfort in his heart, but he couldn't tell exactly what it was like.

Obviously, it was agreed before that before he raised Miss Yan'er's ransom fee, this benefactor would definitely treat her kindly, why... let someone else redeem Miss Yan'er?

Yan Huan leaned over, staring at Aunt Qing with hatred, she paused every word, resolute and determined, her dark eyes were full of gloomy anger, her voice trembled slightly with anger.

"Let me tell you, if I don't accompany the guests, let alone pick them up, I will hang myself with a rope at worst, and I will definitely not do such dirty things!"


Bodhidharma stood up immediately, his usual clear and calm face was suddenly stained with rare tension.

He stared intently at Yan Huan's eyes, his heart was beating wildly and out of order, he said in a panic, "You definitely can't kill yourself!"

[Strategy character favorability +20, current total favorability: 20]

The cold mechanical sound seemed unreal.

Bodhidharma stared at him closely, his pupils were also black, like an endless abyss, but at this moment, the sudden shrinkage of his pupils clearly showed his worry and fear for her.

Fear, he was afraid that she would really hang herself, and the increase in favorability made Yan Huan's heart soften.

at last.

From the hardest stone grows a sprout called love.

 Thanks to Che Yuner for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Plop into my arms and rub rub~】

  [Thousands of changes! ! ! !The big dream has been updated! ! !Praise me, praise me! ! !Don't go whoring in vain! ! !Book currency subscription encourages me, hello! ! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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