Chapter 714

Yan Huan finally understood that Aunt Qing never intended to be redeemed from Xiayun Tower.

Oh no, to be precise, she didn't intend to let those people with little money redeem her from Xiayun Tower. What Aunt Qing is after is someone like Rong Yi who has a lot of gold and silver and spends a lot of money.

She gritted her teeth angrily, clenched her fists tightly, and the palms of her nails were tingling.

"The person who took care of me is Rong Yi?"

Aunt Qing clapped her palms and smiled, and clicked her tongue twice, "Look, we both have a good understanding, we Yan'er and Mr. Rong are a perfect match!"

Yan Huan's face turned dark.

Two days ago Rongyi wanted to redeem her body, but she didn't want to. He didn't look well when he left, why did he suddenly wrap her up?

Could it be that the rich man has never been disobeyed by a woman, thinks she is very interesting, and is more interested in her, so he wants to wrap her up and train him?

Bodhidharma's face was not very good-looking either.

He lowered his eyes, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

He got acquainted with Rong Yi, and when he learned that Yan Huan was bought by Rong Yi, the weird emotion in his heart made him feel even weirder and uncomfortable.

Aunt Qing stood up to see off the guest, "So, Yan'er can't be redeemed from Xiayun Tower right now, monk, you'd better go back and forth from wherever."

Bodhidharma pinched the edge of the table, his eyes were deep, he pursed his lips, and he wanted to say something, but the words came out of his mouth, "Young monk, ask me one more question, will Mr. Rong redeem Miss Yan'er and let her leave Xiaxia?" Yunlou?"

Aunt Qing rolled her eyes and redeemed herself. If you want Yan'er to leave Xiayun Tower so much, what good will it do you?
"Naturally, Mr. Rong loves and cares about Yan'er, not to mention redeeming himself and going out, even marrying back to Rong's mansion as a concubine is easy to talk about."

Yan Huan looked at Bodhidharma's expression. He lowered his eyes, his expression was so pale that he couldn't discern any emotion, and he smiled faintly, "So, little monk, don't worry."

rest assured?

What kind of heart do you put your mind on?
Is it possible that the favorability is fake? !
Yan Huan's face, which was already dark, was even more angry now, she was a little dizzy with anger, she supported Lan Chun to stand still, sneered, her eyes were reddish.

"Okay, very good, don't worry, you all can rest assured, Mr. Rong is indeed very good, I like it very much, I like it very much!"

She turned around and left the room angrily. Aunt Qing smiled meaningfully, pointed to the gate downstairs with her chin, and said indifferently to Damo.

"Holy Monk, I will not send you far away."

Bodhidharma nodded lightly, put his hands together and bowed, and left Xiayun Tower with a calm expression.

It was approaching noon, and the sun was warmer than in the morning. He was walking on the bustling street, and almost bumped into people a few times. He raised his hand to touch his heart in a daze, and rubbed it slowly, but it didn't relieve the pain in his heart. the dull pain.

The heavy 100 taels of silver in the purse weighed heavily on his heart. He was surprised that he was not at all happy knowing that she was going to be ransomed, and... he didn't want her to be with Rong Yi either.

Bodhidharma shook his head, let out a long sigh, suppressed his weird emotions, closed his eyes and recited the Diamond Sutra.

Aunt Qing leaned on the window sill, watched Bodhidharma go away, and sneered contemptuously.

A monk and a little girl, she has eaten more salt than they have eaten rice, and in terms of calculation methods, the two of them together are not as good as her.

Aunt Qing turned her head to look at Bao Xia in the room, she was in a good mood and her tone was soft.

"Is the medicine ready?"

Bao Xia obediently said, "Well, it's ready."

Aunt Qing smiled, "Okay, do as I taught you."

 [Xuance's meaty episode has spread to the V group, go to the group file to eat meat yourself (evil smile)]

  Thank you Zhenxin for rewarding 688 book coins~

  Thanks to Liming Aurora for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to lalala.cnm for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Thanks `Qianzhu for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thanks to Nanxiang Qingfeng for rewarding 1276 book coins~

  Thank you Tianlan Yunlang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mu Xi. Reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you Big Orange for rewarding 4000 book coins~

  Thanks to hell girl for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Mengpao for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Congratulations to 【Big Orange】Cute for becoming the No.30 six helmsman of this book! ! !

  [Another weekend full of food and drink~Kaifu~]

(End of this chapter)

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