Chapter 722

[For your favorite Yun Hua to attack and add more~]

When Yan Huan saw Bao Xia, his face immediately turned cold, and Lan Chun didn't look good either. He frowned and said in disgust, "What are you doing here? The girl doesn't need your service!"

Bao Xia smiled awkwardly, "Young Master Rong is here, he said he wants to see the girl, Aunt Qing asked me to see if the girl is awake."

Yan Huan said angrily, "I'm not awake."

Bao Xia was startled, smiled and left, and Lan Chun angrily slammed the teacup on the table.


Yan Huan leaned on the bed, her lips pursed indifferently.

This is because I didn't sleep with her two days ago, and now I am eager to see if she is in good health?
So hungry and thirsty, so impatient? !
She looks like a dog, but I didn't expect her to be so human!
Aunt Qing's giggles were heard from afar, her melodious voice really made one's scalp tingle, Yan Huan shrank into the bed, turned around, and pretended to be asleep again.

She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to hold back when she saw Rong Yi, and castrated him directly!

The door was pushed open, and the footsteps were a bit chaotic, and I heard Aunt Qing's displeased voice, "Why didn't you wake up? Didn't you say you were awake?"

Bao Xia was also stunned, she just came to see, the girl really woke up!

"Miss Yan'er is not in good health yet?"

This clear and faint voice belonged to Bodhidharma!
Yan Huan turned around, his eyes widened in surprise, his eyes met Damo's, he quickly retracted, and his downcast eyes stopped looking at her.

"you're awake?"

Rong Yi rushed over to help her up, Yan Huan only stared at Bodhidharma's eyes, his voice was so clear and light in the nightmare, but the contempt and disgust in his words...

Also obvious.

He despises himself as a whore.

Her heart sank suddenly, Aunt Qing smiled ambiguously, she went out and closed the door for them, glanced at Da Mo from the corner of her eye, and raised her eyebrows in displeasure.

"What are you doing standing there? Come out soon!"

Bodhidharma's heart was a little astringent, he froze in place, the strong desire not to go out controlled his legs, and he couldn't take a step.

Yan Huan raised her eyes to Bodhidharma, her eyes were burning, her heart throbbed violently, her voice was dry and hoarse, "I have something... I want to talk to the holy monk alone."

Rong Yi looked at her inexplicably, "Speak to the holy monk? Can't I listen?"

She gave Rong Yi a slight push, and said in a calm tone, "Mr. Rong, please go out first."

Rong didn't understand, so he looked at Bodhidharma again, but had no choice but to leave the room first.

Aunt Qing took his arm affectionately, "Oh, Mr. Rong, last time you said you wanted to redeem our Yan'er, but were you serious?"

Rong Yi nodded solemnly, "That's natural!"

Aunt Qing took his arm and led him to the second floor, "Master Rong needs to confirm this matter, let's go to the second floor and talk about it carefully."

Rong Yi turned her head and looked at Yan Huan's door reluctantly, Aunt Qing said indifferently, "Don't worry! That's a monk, what can I do!"

inside the room.

Only Yan Huan and Bodhidharma were left.

Bodhidharma lowered his eyes, his lips moved slightly, he was calmly reciting the "Diamond Sutra", Yan Huan chuckled, and asked slowly.

"Holy Monk, are you talking about the wind moving outside, or the clouds moving?"

Bodhidharma stopped chanting, his heart beat out of rhythm since he entered this room.

He didn't open his mouth to speak, and he didn't dare to look at Yan Huan, the blush from the base of his ears stained his face all the way, his whole face was completely red.

Yan Huan smiled, with a pale face, and a forced smile, but tears welled up in his black pupils.

"The wind hasn't moved, the clouds haven't moved, it's your heart that's moving, holy monk, your heart is moving."

 Thank you ゜ Things are not people for rewarding 1999 book coins~

  Thanks to His Royal Highness, Yalele, for the 10000 book coin award! ! !

  【I'll give you a kiss on the ground, spin the splits! ! !By the way, split your fork to light a cigarette for Your Highness...Brother, smoke Zhonghua...]


  [The progress is slow and Da Mengzi is also very helpless... After all, it is harder to break Bodhidharma out of his emotions and desires than straighten gay...]

(End of this chapter)

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