Chapter 723

Bodhidharma's heart was beating faster, and it was as powerful as a drum beating. In this quiet room, the sound was loud, and he was even more guilty. He pressed his heart in a panic and couldn't hold down the crazy heartbeat!
[Strategy character favorability +20, current total favorability: 40]

He said stiffly, "Little monk... I have never been moved."

Never moved?

Heh, blushing like a cloud of fire, and you still say you haven't been moved?

Yan Huan's hoarse voice was a bit forceful, "Then you look at me! You look at me and tell me that you have never been attracted to me, not at all!"

Bodhidharma's clasped hands trembled slightly, he frowned slightly, closed his eyes and began to recite the "Diamond Sutra" silently, but his heaving chest and breathing rhythm were chaotic.

Yan Huan clenched his fists, his eyes were stern, and the persecution became more intense, "It's just a self-deceiving lie to say that you haven't been moved, if you really haven't been moved, why didn't you want to look at me?!"

Bodhidharma's chanting stopped abruptly, and a drop of sweat slid down his forehead. He finally opened his eyes. In the black eyes that were usually calm and unwavering, entanglements and guilt surged. His eyelashes Yu trembled slightly, turning his head to look at her stiffly.

The woman on the bed was pale, her only eyes were stained red, and the tears she had stored up were about to fall, and the watery eyes showed strong hope and shone with fragile light.

[Strategy character favorability +20, current total favorability: 60]

The more he couldn't control his panic, the more he couldn't suppress the raging love in his heart.

Heartbroken and distressed, Bodhidharma licked his lower lip with difficulty, and was about to speak when Yan Huan interrupted him.

"Monks don't tell lies, holy monk."

His throat seemed to be strangled by a hand, and it was difficult to breathe. Bodhidharma's eyes moved slightly, and all kinds of emotions were mixed together. His heart was beating vigorously one after another. He looked away in a panic, and turned to leave.

He couldn't lie, he couldn't lie to her, and he couldn't stay here any longer.

"You stop!"

Yan Huan jumped off the bed with bare feet, tears streaming from her eyes, she was hysterical with anger, "You are obviously tempted, but you refuse to admit it, does it mean you don't like it? You can fool me, you can fool yourself, you can fool me Buddha?"

Bodhidharma turned his back to her, frowned in pain, his voice was clear, but he was very persistent.

"The little monk is a disciple of Buddhism, so he doesn't have the seven emotions and six desires, let alone the relationship between men and women?"

Yan Huan took a few steps closer and stared at his back, "Then let me ask you, why did you know that I was in Xiayun Tower and came to redeem me even though you had already left after carrying me down the mountain?"

"The female benefactor fell into this difficult situation because of the little monk's negligence. The young monk should rescue the female benefactor."

Yan Huan gasped for breath, "Then I was going to hang myself last time, why didn't you allow it?"

"God has the virtue of loving life. If it were someone else, the monk would stop it."


She asked eagerly, "Rongyi came to see me today, why did you also come?"

"Young monk just happened to be with Mr. Rong."

All the words he said were relaxed and indifferent, but they pierced directly into her heart like the sharpest knife.

She sneered, all the questioning and compulsion seemed to be emptied from her body suddenly, her heart fell into numb pain, and she no longer felt any sensation.

Yan Huan shook his head, and his words were sarcasmous, "It is said that people in the Buddhist sect save all sentient beings and treat the world kindly, but you, you say the most ruthless and hurtful words."

 Thank you Ruoqing for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Moran The ink stain for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you ∮ Yumu Zhinian for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you 188******09 for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you_Yaoyao Jinzhao for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Compare your heart to the little cuties you feed】

  Thank you [Your Favorite Yun Hua's General Attack] Boss 100100 Book Coin Award! ! !

  Thank you [His Royal Highness Yalele] for the 61184 book coin award! ! !

  [A certain dream who has been taken care of by the bosses for a long time, except for a well-behaved bed warmer, knows nothing... Oh, and I will also pass sunglasses and cigarettes to the big shots (beautiful)]

(End of this chapter)

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