Chapter 728

With a troubled expression on his face, Rong Yi pressed her hand and spoke in a low voice.

"This is a brothel after all... You are the Miss Lin family. If you go back during the day and let someone who cares about me see it, it will be bad for your reputation."

Yan Huan looked at him coldly, "What? Are you afraid that others will say that your unmarried daughter-in-law once stayed in a brothel? Afraid of losing face? Then you can definitely not marry me!"

If Rong Yi could regret the marriage, it would really save her a lot of trouble. If a woman wanted to regret the marriage, wouldn't it be dragged into a pigsty in ancient times?

Rong Yi hurriedly shook her head, wishing she could swear to God to show her sincerity!

"How could I despise you?! I'm afraid that what others say will make you feel uncomfortable. Master Lin and Mrs. Lin feel uncomfortable!"

Yan Huan glanced at Aunt Qing who was watching outside, Aunt Qing flinched when she saw her, her face was very ugly.

It's normal to look ugly.

The bruises on her body haven't healed yet, and the bruises all over her body are still aching.

How many innocent women have been harmed by this evil woman?And so ruthlessly using all kinds of means to force her into prostitution!

She has to avenge herself and those poor innocent women. Now that she is gone, wouldn't it be cheaper for her!
Yan Huan looked at Aunt Qing, smiled slightly, his eyes were cold and cautious, his words were weak but his hatred was obvious.

"I have work to do here."

Rong Yi looked back at Aunt Qing, and said contemptuously, "I'll help you with such trivial matters, you go back to Rong Mansion first, Master Lin and Mrs Lin are very worried about you."

The corners of her lips were even more curved, "No, it's interesting to do this kind of thing by yourself."

Rong Yi couldn't resist her, and she was afraid that if she persisted, she would think that she looked down on her as a prostitute, so she reluctantly agreed.

Although he agreed, he still left a few guards from the Rong Mansion to protect her at the door.

"Yan'er, at that time I wanted to redeem you. You said that you would not marry if you were not a legal wife. At that time, I told you that I had a marriage contract and had to keep it. Now..."

He took Yan Huan's hand, wanted to kiss but felt imprudent, just rubbed against his cheek, smiling happily and contentedly.

"Do you think this is God's will? God is merciful to lovers, so we went around and let us be together."

Yan Huan pulled out his hand calmly, "You go back first, tell my parents not to worry."

She thought of something, and smiled sarcastically, "I'm fine, even though I'm in the brothel, I haven't been bullied."

The chastity of a woman in ancient times was more important than her life. Without saying a word, her parents probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

Rong Yi pursed her lips and said nothing, looked at her a few more times before leaving, and threatened Aunt Qing a few more times.

"I really didn't expect that the girl is the lady of a rich family. I think the temperament of the girl is definitely not an ordinary person!"

Lan Chun's eyes were bright, squatting on the edge of Yan Huan's bed and looking at her seriously, she lowered her head in embarrassment, "If the girl returns home, can Lan Chun be with the girl?"

Yan Huan patted her on the shoulder and smiled softly, "That's natural, the bad guys have to be dealt with, I will naturally take away such a good girl as Lanchun, give you a serious identity, and then marry you to the man you like .”

Lan Chun blushed and went to blow out the candles for her. The night was quiet and the moon hung high. Tonight was another sleepless night for many people.

Late at night, there was no way for a girl from Lanchun to go to Wanfo Temple to send news to Bodhidharma.

Tomorrow, in the daytime tomorrow, she wants to go to Wanfo Temple to find him by herself.

But the guards of the Rong family at the door are not so easy to fool.

Sad people.

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  Thank you lookll for rewarding 1888 book coins~

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  【Hold me like my heart】

(End of this chapter)

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