Chapter 729

The morning light shines on the ground through the window sill, and the gorgeous morning glow in the sky is dyed with golden brilliance. The streets are very quiet. Yan Huan suddenly woke up from his dream, "What time is it?!"

Lan Chun, who was packing her things, was taken aback, and stroked her heart, "The sun just came out, girl."

Yan Huan hurriedly put on a dress, "Hurry up, hurry up, comb my hair, I'm going to Wanfo Temple!"

Lan Chun stopped what she was doing and wondered, "Miss, is she going to Wanfo Temple to fulfill her wish?"

"Fulfill your wish?"

Lan Chun nodded, "Yes, the first time you go to Wanfo Temple is to make a wish, and if you go again, unless your wish comes true, you should also wish to thank the Buddha, seems that you can't go."

Yan Huan waved his hands indifferently, "It's okay, it's okay, I don't believe this, hurry up and get dressed and go to Wanfo Temple."

It is better to believe in herself than to believe in Buddha.

She is not as stubborn as Bodhidharma, and she is willing to hold Buddha statues and scriptures for a lifetime.

A quarter of an hour later, she opened the door to go out, but as expected, the guards of the Rong's family stopped her with embarrassment.

"Girl, the young master said that today the girl can stay in this building with peace of mind, just wait for him to pick her up."

Yan Huan's face turned cold, his eyes were stern, "I'm going to pray to the Buddha to fulfill my wish, thank the Buddha for allowing me to return to the Lin family, is that okay?"

One of the guards said embarrassingly, "It's a long way to go to Wanfo Temple, so the accident like last time might happen. Miss, you can wait for the young master to arrange the guards to accompany you, and then it won't be too late to go to Wanfo Temple."

The last time she went to Wanfo Temple, there were only Xiaoliu Xiaoqi and Lanchun protecting her.

In the accident before, it wasn't because those bandits saw that there were many people accompanying them and the carriage was luxurious, so they concluded that the lady here was either rich or expensive, and they had bad intentions?

She frowned, and said in a tone that could not be questioned, "Today, I have decided to go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple! Either you follow, or the servant girl and I will go alone!"

The guards looked at each other in blank dismay, but they all answered in unison.

"Please don't embarrass us, Miss. We are also following Mr. Rong's orders. If Miss makes a mistake, we will all die!"

Yan Huan's face darkened, he gritted his teeth, turned around and slammed the door shut.

Thank you for your kindness!
I'm afraid that if I don't want to marry you, I will sneak away, so I deliberately arranged these people to watch me!

She turned around in the room angrily, and kicked the leg of the table angrily!
She is going to Wanfo Temple!
If you can't go today, when you are brought back to Jiangdu by the Lin family, how can you meet him again and talk to him alone?
Seeing her bored face, Lan Chun also sighed, and asked her tentatively, "What are you going to do at Wanfo Temple? But you want to see that holy monk?"

Yan Huan looked at her and sighed helplessly, "It looks like they won't let me out, Rong Yi is really annoying!"

Lan Chun poured her a cup of hot water to calm her anger, and suggested in a low voice, "If the girl is a slave who believes in it, the slave can help the girl to pass the message to the holy monk."

It's not that she doesn't trust Lanchun, it's just that... she has a lot to say, and she wants to tell Bodhidharma face to face, but now, she is under house arrest in Xiayun Tower and can't go out, and only Lanchun can help her tell Bodhidharma Word has been sent.

This silly monk didn't know whether he could understand her thoughts in a few words.

Yan Huan sighed, resting his chin, "There is no other way, how about this, I will write the words on the veil, you go to Wanfo Temple to find that monk, give him the veil, and say it is my words."

(End of this chapter)

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