Chapter 731

"Bao Xia, come here."

Yan Huan hugged Xia Xiaoxiao, and handed her the thin stick in his hand, while he crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame with a calm expression.

Bao Xia looked at the thin stick, it's not good to pick it up, it's no good if it's not picked up, but he had no choice but to pick it up, holding it in his hand like a hot potato.

She looked at Bao Xia coolly, "I don't have the strength, so you should take the punishment. You have been with Aunt Qing for so long, so you should be able to do such trivial things, right?"

Bao Xia felt miserable, if she hit Aunt Qing today, even if Yan'er forced her to do so, how could Aunt Qing, a caring person like her, not remember her?

How can she live a good life in Xiayun Tower in the future?
It can't be seen that Miss Yan'er is soft and weak, and if she really cares about it, she is really cruel and poisonous.

"Go ahead."

The light and fluffy words resounded loudly, Baoxia swallowed with difficulty, raised the thin stick in his hand, but couldn't do it for a long time.

Yan Huan frowned impatiently, "Hurry up, I don't have that much patience, maybe I'll get bored after a while, and this stick will fall on you."


The thin stick was drawn on Aunt Qing's body, she grinned while holding her wound, and the next instant the second stick was drawn!

Bao Xia was relentless, the thin stick swished down, and Aunt Qing rolled on the ground in pain, flustered, her body was in pain, she didn't know where to cover it first!

"So you know it hurts. Did you say it hurt last time when you whipped me, or this time when I whipped you?"

Aunt Qing's face was pale and her head was sweating profusely. She was still rolling around with her head in pain on the ground, but now she simply lay on the ground, like a dead fish. Apart from grunting twice in pain, she no longer resisted or struggled.

After all, Yan Huan is still soft-hearted, not a cruel and vicious person, seeing Aunt Qing's dying appearance, she still doesn't want her life.

"Okay, stop."

Bao Xia didn't know if she was venting her anger for herself, or if she was afraid that she would be punished because she wasn't strong enough, she had a fierce look on her face, and she beat Aunt Qing so hard that Yan Huan stopped, and she took a few more strokes slowly before stopping .

Aunt Qing lay motionless on the ground, her back was stained with sweat, her eyelids were drooping weakly, and she was panting heavily.

Yan Huan looked at the guards of the Rong family, and ordered with a cold expression, "I cleaned it up, you take her to the government."

Aunt Qing woke up from the dying state in an instant, her eyes widened in disbelief, her voice was full of anger, and she didn't feel weak at all.

"Government? Didn't you say that after this punishment, you won't send me to the government?"

Yan Huan sneered, rolled his eyes, his eyes were innocent, imitating Aunt Qing's usual tone, "Oh, there is no government office for food and lodging in Xiayun Building. I also want to let Aunt Qing have a good life in the future. It’s a good place, no one else can go there even if they want to!”

Aunt Qing keeps turning back on her promises again and again, so why can't she turn back on her promises?
She is a vengeful person, who retaliates with an eye for an eye, and retaliates for every flaw, that's how narrow-minded she is.

Aunt Qing gritted her teeth angrily, and pulled Yan Huan's skirt, as if she wanted to stand up and beat her up, but she didn't have enough strength, so she just grabbed her skirt tightly and glared at her angrily.

The guards of the Rong family hurriedly dragged her away, Aunt Qing hoarsely, cursing and swearing, she didn't hear anything when the wind blew past her.

After tidying up Aunt Qing, she felt much more comfortable.

At this point, if nothing happened to Lanchun, he should have already arrived at Wanfo Temple.

 Thank you for your favorite Yun Hua, who rewards you with 100 book coins for attacking~

  Thanks to the little devil for rewarding 999 book coins~

  Thank you Tianzha for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Being fed daily (1/1), I love you ~ love ~ love ~ endless ~]

(End of this chapter)

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