Chapter 732

Lanchun has indeed arrived at Wanfo Temple.

At this moment, she handed the veil to Bodhidharma, and saluted politely, "This is what my girl wants to say to the holy monk. If the holy monk has any reply, tell me, and I will definitely bring it to the girl."

Bodhidharma's heart skipped a few extra beats, and the temperature of the handkerchief in his hand seemed to be a little hotter. He bowed back, politely, but there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

"Thank you sir."

He slowly unfolded the veil, and the word "Yan" was embroidered on the lower left corner of the silk veil. The faint scent of sandalwood was like her scent.

The familiar sandalwood fragrance is a bit different from the sandalwood in the Buddhist temple, as if it has a fragrance that belongs to her alone.

It was only now that Bodhidharma remembered that when she carried her down the mountain, she didn't have this sandalwood scent on her body.

Since when did she also like to use sandalwood?

His eyes softened a little, and he looked at the delicate small script of the woman on the handkerchief.

"It's really a twist of fate. It turns out that I am Miss Lin who has lost my memory. I made a marriage contract with Rong Yi a few years ago. Today the Lin family will take me back to Jiangdu."

"If you go back to Jiangdu, your concubine will wear red makeup to marry someone, and you will be honored with glory and wealth, and the holy monk will live in the temple, and you will return to the Buddha after attaining enlightenment, and you will never have the chance to meet again in this life."

"The lovesickness of the concubine is empty of the holy monk. The world says that prostitutes are ruthless and unlucky. However, the concubine is a prostitute, but she is affectionate. I just don't know, does the holy monk have a heart?"

The words are like the person, as gentle as water like her, and between the strokes, there is an unchangeable determination.

Bodhidharma pinched the veil and knit his brows together. His heart went from astonishment to soreness, and now it turned into bewilderment and confusion.

She is going back to Jiangdu to get married.

It's okay to marry.

Good luck tricks people, it really is good fortune to trick people, from the very beginning, the heavens made a fate for her and Rong Yi, so the fate is so deep.

"Can the holy monk want to talk back?"

Bodhidharma lowered his eyes silently, he stroked the veil, and there seemed to be something uncontrollable in the forcedly suppressed emotions, trying to burst out.

Prostitutes have feelings, do holy monks have hearts?

Monks are ruthless and heartless. If they have heart, how can they be called holy monks?
Jiangdu, he doesn't want Yan'er to go back to Jiangdu to get married!

Can the Buddha forgive his betrayal?How could he forgive him for betraying his faith for so many years?
He is really not worthy of being a Buddhist!

Bodhidharma tore off the sandalwood Buddha bead bracelet from his wrist, with a bit of force, the thread was torn off, and the beads fell to the ground. Lanchun stood there for no reason, staring blankly at Bodhidharma's tangled and painful eyes. complexion.

"Holy monk?"

She called out tentatively and cautiously, Damo let go of his frown and let out a long sigh.

After all, he was still emotional.

There is no universal law in the world, either negative to Tathagata, or negative to Qing.

Being a monk, but being emotional, he has already betrayed the Buddha, how can he betray her again?

He bowed to Lanchun, with a relaxed expression on his face, "Please wait here for a while, benefactor."

Lan Chun saw that he left the side hall, went to a place a little further away, and came back with a branch of flowers.

The pink and white petals are shiny, the stamens are light yellow, and a few buds have not yet opened, very delicate and lovely.

Bodhidharma handed the flower branch to Lanchun, his ears were slightly red, and his words were unnaturally stiff.

"Trouble the benefactor, bring this flower to Yan'er, she... Seeing this flower, she should understand what the little monk wants to say."

Lan Chun glanced at the flower in distaste, "Why don't you just write a piece of paper and ink, so that I can bring it to my girl."

Do you know what it means to send a branch of flowers?

Bodhidharma looked away, embarrassed to speak out, just lowered his eyes and said lightly, "She will understand."

 Thank you Zilan Moling for rewarding 1587 book coins~

  Thank you lookll for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thanks to the shredded meat of Yihongyuan for rewarding 588 book coins~

  【Love you guys! !hold dear~~]


  [The live broadcast ahead shows how Bodhidharma will die...]

(End of this chapter)

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