Chapter 733

Lan Chun took that branch of flowers out of the side hall with a speechless face. After thinking about it, she felt that it was silly and abrupt to only take such a branch of flowers.

I don't know what this holy monk thinks, what can't be said, and the gift of flowers is so tactful, can the girl know what he wants to say?

She looked down at the flower in her hand, and felt that the pink and white petals were very gentle and beautiful, but she didn't know what kind of flower it was.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is still very popular today, there are many people coming and going, a few children chased and played, and with a "bang", they directly bumped into Lanchun's arms!

"Sister I'm sorry!"

The child who bumped into her was very obedient, so he quickly apologized obediently. Lan Chun glanced at the broken flower branch in his hand, and the anger that he raised had no choice but to dissipate when the child apologized obediently.

"It's okay, you didn't hurt, did you?"

The child shook his head, Lanchun rubbed his hair helplessly, looked down at the flower branch in his hand, and sighed.

The flower branch was broken, and several flowers were knocked off. A beautiful flower is now in a miserable state.

Hey, I definitely can't bring this flower back to the girl.

She looked around, looked at the color of the flowers in her hand, went around to the woods not far away, and picked off branches that were similar.

The left and right are just sending flowers to the girl. The color and shape of the petals of the newly folded flowers are similar to the previous ones.

Lan Chun took the newly folded flowers, went out of Wanfo Temple and got into the soft sedan chair, and ordered the bearers to speed up their pace, wanting to hurry back.

After returning from Wanfo Temple, it was almost evening, Lanchun got off the soft sedan and hurried upstairs, Yan Huan had seen her from the window sill long ago, the heart in his throat was finally put back to the original place.

"Did you encounter anything on the road? You went to Wanfo Temple alone, and my heart is full of anxiety all day long!"

Lan Chun shook her head, "Don't worry, girl."

"Then, then does he have..."

Yan Huan frowned, and stared at Lan Chun with burning eyes, which made Lan Chun blush.

"Yes, the holy monk called me..."

Lan Chun took out the flower wrapped in a handkerchief from her bosom, and handed it to Yan Huan.

"The holy monk said, show this to the girl, and the girl will understand what he means."

Yan Huan took the flower from her hand, frowned a little, and was a little confused and speechless.

this flower...

Did he write on this flower?

She looked around carefully, but it was just an ordinary flower with light pink petals and a light fragrance, nothing unique or different.

Yan Huan's eyes were even more puzzled, "Apart from giving you this flower, did he say anything else?"

Lan Chun pouted and shook his head.

"At that time, the slave said that he asked the holy monk to write a piece of paper and ink, but the holy monk didn't seem to be willing. He just said to give the flower to the girl, and the girl will understand."

Yan Huan:. . .

Just say what you want to say!

A big man, you want me to guess your thoughts? !

Are you bored at home? !
"Girl, do you know what the holy monk means?"

Yan Huan shook his head inexplicably.

Lan Chun pouted to laugh, but held back.

After waiting for a day, only a flower came, and there was not even a single word.

Originally, she was waiting for Bodhidharma to take her to elope!
Yan Huan held the flower, looked left and right, racked his brains and didn't know what he wanted to express, until Rong Yi came to take her back to Rong's mansion, saw her holding the flower in her hand, and said with a smile.

"The pear blossom in your hand is quite pretty. Did someone know that you were leaving and fold it for you?"

Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat.

"Pear blossoms? Is it for someone who is leaving?"

(End of this chapter)

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