Chapter 735

If Master Lin and Mrs. Lin hadn't really been helpless, they wouldn't have told their future in-laws about losing their daughter. They even asked their future in-laws to help find their daughter, but they finally found it in the brothel.

It really embarrasses the face of the entire Lin family.

Lin Xueyan was abducted into the brothel, which made the Lin family look bad. Unexpectedly, the fate was so coincidental, because Rong Yi fell in love with her, the old bustard in the brothel never let Lin Xueyan go to pick up other customers.

However, even if the dignified lady from the official family has entered the brothel, even if she didn't lose her virginity, if outsiders know about it, there will be a lot of gossip, and it's ugly to say this. The Lin family didn't wait until the next morning, and hurried back to Jiangdu overnight with Yan Huan.

During the whole process, Master Lin not only didn't say a word of greeting or caring, but also kept a dark face from the beginning to the end. Yan Huan thought to himself, with his expression, he must be regretting in his heart, why did he come to her.

It's better to let her stay here as a brothel girl for the rest of her life, it's better than having a tainted daughter.

Plastic father-daughter relationship.

The carriage was comfortable and soft, and arrived in Jiangdu overnight.

Out of face, and he didn't want to be seen by others, Master Lin asked his servants to carry Yan Huan into the Lin residence through the side door in a soft sedan chair, sneaking around like a thief.

Yan Huan instantly lost affection for Master Lin, a father whose face was greater than his daughter's life and death.

On the contrary, Mrs. Lin hugged her, weeping bitterly and feeling distressed, her face was haggard and sad, it could be seen that she had been worried and sad for many days.

Leaving Luohong Town overnight, she sat in the carriage and looked at the long street, the lights of all the houses were extinguished, the sound of the wind blowing gently entered her ears, the surrounding was quiet, the dark and blurred end of the street, she knew it was impossible, but Uncontrollable anticipation.

Could that indifferent and handsome man in fluttering white clothes lose his usual indifference and calmness, rushing over from the end of the street in a hurry, expressing his love to her and begging her to stay?
She stared blankly for a long time, waited for a long time, the carriage moved slowly and left the long street, leaving a dark chaos, the stars and the moon were dimly shining, as if she was laughing at her self-indulgence.

Affection is always disturbed by ruthlessness, whose heart is made of iron and steel, not made of flesh and blood?
She finally gave up, put down the curtain, and leaned against the wall of the carriage with downcast eyes.

The most stupid thing in the world is to wait for a heartless and ruthless person to grow a heart and love for her.


Sadness is greater than heartbreak, and she feels that she will never have feelings for Bodhidharma again.

From then on, she lived her glory and wealth, and let him abide by his rules.


early morning.

Occasionally, a few shouts of salesmen broke the silence of the long street. An uninvited visitor who was full of travel and dust came to Rong's mansion. His shoes were stained with morning dew, beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead, and his face was anxious.

Last night he tossed and turned until late at night, but he didn't hear from Yan'er. He couldn't help but feel regretful. Did Yan'er not understand what he meant?
If I had known it earlier, it would be better for him to be thick-skinned and tell her what I want directly without so many twists and turns.

Bodhidharma came out of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple before dawn, and just now went to Xiayun Tower to inquire, but was told that Yan'er was picked up by Mr. Rong last night, so he hurried to Rong's mansion to inquire about Rongyi.

The guard at the gate sent a message for him and called Rong Yi, Rong Yi woke up and came out yawning, "The holy monk came to see me this early in the morning, is there something wrong?"

Bodhidharma was still panting, "I want to ask Miss Yan'er."

Rong Yi smiled, "Yan'er, I went back to Jiangdu with her parents last night."

 Thank you for the dynamic light wave—biù rewards 588 book coins~

  【Hold the fleeting little cutie and kiss wildly~】

  Thank you Qiyou for knocking on the cute 50000 book coin award! ! !

  Congratulations to [Qi Worry Knock Cute] cutie for becoming the seventh master of this book! ! !

  [Hold the leg of the newly promoted boss!After feeding Mengmeng, Mengmeng is now yours (with a wicked smile)]

(End of this chapter)

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