Chapter 736

Bodhidharma was taken aback, his face turned pale, "Go back to Jiangdu?!"

Rong Yi nodded happily, "Yes, the wedding date has been set, the auspicious day at the beginning of summer, if the holy monk is free, you can also come and have a cup of wedding wine with Yan'er!"

Rong Yi slapped his forehead, "Sin, sin! Forget about the holy monks who are monks and can't drink. When the time comes, replace the wine with tea, and the holy monk will not be embarrassed!"

Bodhidharma's heart ached, the warm spring breeze was like a biting cold wind, and it hurt like a knife on his body. He was in a daze, and the words he heard were unreal and blurred.

"You two are getting married..."

Rong saw that his face was weird, and he didn't know why he came here early in the morning, so he asked in confusion, "Why does the holy monk have such a bad face? Do you want to come in and rest for a while? Could it be... Is it because Yan'er and I have a bad time getting married? "

Bodhidharma shook his head, didn't say anything, and left in a daze. Rong Yi at the door watched his back for a long time, but still didn't understand why he came here so early in the morning.

Bodhidharma left in a trance, the early sun had already risen, and the golden gauze covered the body like a gauze. Every family had planted flowers and trees, and a few branches of spring peach protruded from the wall. The roses were blooming brightly, as gorgeous as clouds.

All kinds of scenery in spring, as far as Bodhidharma is concerned, are no longer eye-catching.

He thought that Yan'er would understand what he meant. He had betrayed the Buddha and expressed his heart to her, but she didn't expect that.

It's God's will, it's the Buddha who forbids him to do such a stupid thing.

Now that she has returned to Jiangdu, she is going to marry Rong Yi in early Xia. He has already committed the crime of betraying Buddhism and falling in love, so how can he destroy other people's marriage with Man?

He stumbled and walked absent-mindedly. The signature she drew back then was clearly imprinted in his mind at this moment.

"If fate is not compatible, don't force it. Even if you ask for it, you will worry. It's not about marriage, it's not about marriage, it's about letting go and returning to hell."

This signed letter, is it about Yan'er and Rong Yi, or... Yan'er and him?
Let go of Huang Quangui, she will die because of this bad relationship.

In a trance, he bumped into a person, he bowed his head belatedly, and apologized, "Young monk is reckless and offended the benefactor."

"Hey, it's you!"

Bodhidharma raised his eyes to look at the speaker, it was the old woman he changed the name of the bridge for her on the bridge that time.

He wasn't too surprised, his face was still pale and dazed, "The benefactor..."

"I saw that you were restless that day, but are getting more and more worried."

Bodhidharma smiled wryly, "My little monk is indeed troubled by things, and he is in a dilemma. If he advances, it is really inappropriate, and if he retreats, he will feel unhappy. In fact..."

He sighed, "I don't know what to do."

The old lady smiled, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, "Indecision and hesitation will only make myself regret in the future. This life of a person will pass in a blink of an eye. When you are about to die, you will only regret what you have not done. You won’t regret what you did or missed.”

She shook her head, her eyes wandering, "When he passed away, he was regretting all the time, why didn't he insist on marrying me back then, he was a sugar peddler, and I was a rich lady, the status was very different, he flinched, and later he made great contributions to building bridges I will be appointed as an official, and when I come back, I will already be a married woman."

The old woman let out a long sigh, "What you said that day was just 'holding the end', but it actually spoke to my heart, whether it's feelings or other things, if you want to do it, do it, don't wait until I'm very old to do it." I regret why I didn’t go smoothly at the beginning.”

 Thanks to the shredded meat of Yihongyuan for rewarding 2476 book coins~

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  【Feeding and pampered by the cuties again, the fed Mengmeng sat on a chair and hiccupped and said...】

(End of this chapter)

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