Chapter 737

The spring in Jiangdu is like a beautiful woman’s sleeves brushing by, leaving for a short time, clusters of flowers blooming, after the lingering fragrance, summer follows the footsteps of spring, and the weather gradually heats up.

The Lin family was busy with her wedding. In the flower garden outside, the hydrangeas withered and lush branches and leaves were left empty. The sunlight coated the tall sycamore tree with a layer of golden maroon. Yan Huan lay on the window sill, listless and listless.

"Girl, the slave just brought some fruits from the kitchen to the girl."

Yan Huan replied listlessly, and Lanchun brought fruit to feed her, she brought the plate herself, looked out the window at the wall where the birds passed by, and ate the fresh fruit without saying a word.

The entrance is sweet and sour, crispy, with a feeling of summer.

Summer is really coming.

She is also getting married soon.

The servants of the Lin family were busy going around for her marriage. At this time, she and Lanchun were the only two people who had a very leisurely day, eating, drinking, sleeping and sleeping, but not only was she not fat, her chin became sharper and she was pitifully haggard.

Unrequited love is trapped by love, although she often comforts herself, the big deal is to leave this plane as soon as possible after maxing out the true love value.

But every time the favorability level rose, her heart would jump with excitement and anticipation, and she would look forward to it the next day, thinking that Bodhidharma would come to her door, willing to throw away all the worldly rules and take her away.

But the favorability score is 90, and there is still no sound.

She waited and waited, but Bodhidharma did not come to her.

She told herself over and over again that he won't come, you don't have to wait, but she couldn't help missing and looking forward to him more and more.

What's the use of thinking about him, he is reciting scriptures and worshiping Buddha, his heart is like still water, your thinking is not because a stone is thrown into the water, there is nothing else but a crash?
"Quick, quick! Lanchun, pour me a cup of tea, my God, I'm so hot!"

If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

Liang Qiuyi, who was wearing a water-colored skirt, entered the room carelessly, and sat down on the chair. Before Lanchun had time to pour tea for her, she carried the teapot by herself and poured tea to quench her thirst.

Yan Huan propped his head up and teased her lazily, "Where did this come from? I'm so thirsty, and I don't pay attention to my image, like a cow drinking water."

Liang Qiuyi was Lin Xueyan's handkerchief since she was a child, and the two had a very good relationship. She was used to being casual in front of Yan Huan.

Liang Qiuyi finished drinking tea, patted the table excitedly, and was about to speak, but looked at Lanchun hesitantly, and Lanchun left wisely before she spoke.

"Do you know who I saw on the street today?!"

Yan Huan lost interest, "Who is it? Could it be the emperor?"

Liang Qiuyi snorted, "It's the emperor, I wouldn't be so excited! Let me tell you! I met that monk!"

Speaking of monks, Yan Huan immediately became interested!
"Monk? What kind of monk?"

Liang Qiuyi frowned and just wanted to dislike her, but thought of her falling off the cliff and losing her memory, so she had to explain to her.

"You probably don't remember, I fell in love with a monk since I was a child, and my family was strict enough not to let me go out. That time when you were going to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, I was actually the one who encouraged you to send a message to me. Who knew you..."

Yan Huan frowned, she didn't want to hear what happened next, her focus was on...

Liang Qiuyi likes a monk?
"Wait, the monk you his name Bodhidharma?"

Liang Qiuyi was taken aback, and wondered, "Hey, didn't you lose your memory? Why do you still remember..."

 Thank you ice cream for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you Cai Wenji for rewarding 198 book coins~

  【Press and kiss in the bosom (〃ω〃)】

(End of this chapter)

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