Chapter 744

[For your favorite Yun Hua to attack and add more~]

Master Lin didn't have much affection for his daughter.

The only family affection was because of Lin Xueyan's beauty, talent, and gentle temperament. Later, she made a marriage contract with the young son of the Rong family, which made him pay a little attention to this daughter.

Ever since he knew that Yan Huan was missing and abducted into a brothel, he had already regretted rescuing her, and now she wanted to elope with a monk? !

Master Lin really wanted to beat her to death!

Yan Huan's mind is now full of not letting Bodhidharma get hurt. She begged, "Father, you can punish me as much as you want, can you let him go? I really forced him, and it's none of his business!"

"Do you think I dare not beat you and punish you?! If you hadn't promised that marriage, I would rather have you drown in this river than embarrass me by being my daughter!"

It turned out that her father stopped beating her because of her marriage with Rong Yi.

Oh, fortunately, she thought that her father didn't beat her because he was reluctant to do so.

She tugged on her father's clothes, and solemnly swore, "I will marry Rong Yi, I will marry Rong Yi, if you let him go, I beg you, let him go, I will be obedient Come home with you!"

Master Lin hesitated in raising the stick, and he didn't want to embarrass himself here. There are so many people watching, if there are more people and recognize his daughter, how will the marriage with the Rong family end?
"Go back to the carriage first!"

Yan Huan glanced at Bodhidharma hesitantly, feeling worried and unwilling to leave.

"If you tell you to get out, get out! It's an embarrassment here!"

Yan Huan was not afraid of being scolded, so he confirmed with a cheeky face, "Father, you will let him go, and you won't ask someone to beat him, right?"

Master Lin blew his beard and stared, "You don't even believe your father's words?!"

She really didn't believe it, her father's resentment towards Bodhidharma in his words made her want to beat him to death on the spot, how could she believe that her father would let him go so easily?
Now that she has surrendered and went back, she can make long-term plans in the future. There is a stalemate here. There are so many guards in the Lin family, it is impossible for them to escape.

Be soft first, and coax her father and the guards back, because there is a saying that if you leave the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood.

Yan Huan took a deep look at Bodhidharma, his eyes were burning hot, and wanted to tell him through his eyes, don't confront her father for now.

Go back and go back, talking about marrying Rong Yi, who knows what will happen in the future?
Damo... It seems that he didn't understand the meaning of her eyes.

"I like Yan'er."

He lowered his eyes, and his words were firm and sonorous, loud and clear.

Yan Huan was startled, and stared at him in disbelief!
What she couldn't believe was that Bodhidharma never said that he liked her!

Even though the current situation was not an occasion to express her love at all, she looked at Bodhidharma in a daze, and couldn't help laughing.


He could even hear a word of love from him.

She was really beaten up by her father, and she was willing to do so.

Master Lin was confused by his confession, "You like it? What right do you have to like it? She has already made a marriage contract. Do Buddhist scriptures teach you about bad marriages?!"

Bodhidharma raised his eyes earnestly, "But Yan'er doesn't like the person she is going to marry, she will be unhappy if she marries."

"What does it matter to you if she doesn't care?! If you talk too much, I'll beat you to death today!"

Bodhidharma was silent for a few seconds, raised his eyes and asked solemnly, "Will you not marry Yan'er to someone else if I have been punished by you?"

 Thanks to Yun Huada for attacking and rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Pinch Yunhua's face~】

(End of this chapter)

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