Chapter 745

[For your favorite Yun Hua to attack and add more~]

What is this!

It's fine for her to go back. How can anyone ask for a punishment with a stick? !
Are you afraid you've lost your mind? !
"Father, we..."

Master Lin ignored her, he rolled his eyes and thought about it.

He really wanted to beat the monk to death, but Yan'er was still there, if he killed the monk, she would definitely hate him and would not marry Rong Yi obediently.

But if it was the monk himself who asked to accept the stick punishment, and he accidentally beat the monk to death by mistake, he would not be to blame.

In this way, the monk who got in the way can die, and Yan'er can give up her heart to marry Rong Yi, it really kills two birds with one stone.

Master Lin looked at Bodhidharma, and said meaningfully, "Are you willing to accept punishment with sticks?"

Yan Huan frowned, what good intentions could her father have? !

She was anxious, "You go, I'll go back first, are you stupid!"

This person is really elm-headed, can't he be flexible? !

Master Lin said in a low voice, "If you can bear this hundred blows from me, I won't marry Yan'er to someone she doesn't like, and I will consider her thoughts."

His conditions were exactly what Bodhidharma wanted.

Yan Huan tugged on her father's sleeve, trying to drag him into the carriage, "Father, let's go! I am willing to marry Rong Yi, why do you make things difficult for him?"

Master Lin shook off her hand and said impatiently, "He proposed it himself!"

Xiao Mengqi poked his head out from Lanchun's bundle, Yan Huan frowned, and shook his head at Mengqi.

Mengqi is also useless at this time.

There are so many people here, and his second skill range is too small to control so many people.

But a skill...

If her father really insists on fighting Bodhidharma, Meng Qi can finally give him a skill shield!
Yan Huan slapped his forehead excitedly!
She almost forgot Mengqi's shield!

Bodhidharma lifted the hem of his robe and knelt down. He thought he was ashamed of the Lin family, and his face remained unchanged. Master Lin snorted coldly, "You brought this up yourself, don't blame me for being cruel."

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped Damo's back heavily with a stick, and with a muffled sound, it also hit Yan Huan's heart, and her eye circles turned red.

How could she not feel distressed?

She also lifted her skirt and knelt in front of Master Lin, crying, "For my sake, please be gentle. I did this from the beginning to the end, please." You let him go."

The muffled sound of heavy objects hitting the person followed one after another, Yan Huan turned his back, but he still heard the creeps, his scalp tingled, his heart ached, and tears soon filled his eyes.

She clenched her palms tightly, forcing herself to endure, wait a little longer!

At this time, what if Meng Qi was asked to activate the shield and waited until he could no longer hold it?
Yan Huan gasped for breath, two of her long nails were cut off, her palm was punctured, numb and tingling, she tried her best to control herself.

Although he is a monk, he has practiced martial arts since he was a child. He is strong and strong. He will be fine after a while. Don't worry, don't worry, just wait...

Wait a little longer, let Meng Qi carry the remaining dozens of sticks with the protection of the shield, then Dharma will have survived the hundred sticks!
With so many people around watching, it is impossible for her father to go back on his word. At that time, she will be able to walk with Bodhidharma and leave Jiangdu together!
The rolling snow-capped mountains of the Tianlu Plateau, or the exotic style of the vast western desert, or the splendid and magnificent southern mountains and rivers, the four seas are our home.

Wait a second, Yan Huan!
 Good night everyone~~

  love you~~

  [I heard that April Fool's Day is tomorrow? ? ?It has nothing to do with Mengmeng... (Mengmeng is a wise man, not a fool (`)*)]

(End of this chapter)

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