Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 763 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 763 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (3)

[For your favorite Yun Hua to attack and add more~]

The cold air rushed up from the back!
Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat!
Panic and helplessness rushed to the limbs, and the body was too stiff to move.

Wow isn't it? !

Just finished one zombie, another one? !

Meng Qi no longer has the second skill. The shield of the first skill can only protect her from harm for a short period of time. With her current physical strength, it is impossible to beat a zombie!
Damn, what kind of ghost plane is this!
Are you going to play her to death? !

Yan Huan was covered in cold sweat, and crawled to the corner with difficulty using hands and feet. The crooked marble pillar could barely block her figure. I hope this zombie has a lower IQ and won't find her!
"Human? Zombie? Wolf girl?"

and many more!

this sound...

Like a human voice!
Yan Huan climbed halfway, and turned her head to look in disbelief. The man was leaning against the cracked glass door with the long blade in his arms, his cold eyes showed a little surprise the moment she turned her head.

"A human?"

[The Raiders have appeared! 】

[Strategy character: Armor

Main task: reach a true love value of 100 with the raiders
Secondary task: Make sure the player and the raider are alive]

The secondary task turned out to be to keep her and Kai alive? !
Yan Huan's heart went cold.

Sing a cool song to yourself.

The danger index of this plane is more than four stars? !It's a hundred stars for King of Glory!
Yan Huan shook her head, hunger made her unresponsive.

Kai walked in holding the long blade, the armor was wrapped around his body, the standard male model figure, long legs and narrow waist, as thin and powerful as a cheetah, although the armor was stained with dust and blood, it did not affect his coldness and handsomeness at all , but added some decadent ascetic seduction.

The faint moonlight hit his face, with a high nose bridge, indifferent thin lips, deep European-style facial features, and blue and cold eyes as pure as the ocean. read something.

"Really human?"

Yan Huan choked, rolled his eyes speechlessly, coughed twice, and yelled at him weakly.

"If you don't believe me, come to check?"

Kai raised his eyes, his low voice made Su's bones numb, he squatted in front of Yan Huan, the emotion in his eyes was cold and indifferent, even if the words were lustful, but he said them, he looked serious like a national leader conference speech.

"Check? Are you sure? That's going to be stripped."

Yan Huan choked again.

When he flirts with a girl, he can't hear the slightest hint of pornography!
Now she not only wants to retch, but also wants to vomit blood.

Kai Leng glanced at her indifferently, stood up and planned to leave.

Wow? !
Just, just leave?
Brother, think carefully!
There are very few women who have survived in the last days. If you don't take me away... do you want to be gay in the future?

Yan Huan's eyes were glued to his leaving back, he gritted his teeth, his heart was galloping past...

She was cursing Kai in her heart, but unexpectedly Kai turned around.

"Why don't you follow?"

The words were a little puzzled, Yan Huan was taken aback, pointed to his right leg, and said in a helpless voice, "I'm hurt."

Kai stopped in place, looked at her hesitantly, pursed his thin lips, obviously unwilling.

Yan Huan choked again.

She sighed, and looked up at her. There were only a pair of clear and moving eyes on her dirty face. She spoke softly, begging a little.

"Please, can you carry me? Brother..."

 Thank you Yun Hua [Big Attack] 30688 Book Coin Award! ! !

  [Being knocked down by the big boss and then... (YY on your own, hee hee)]

(End of this chapter)

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