Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 764 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 764 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (4)

[For your favorite Yun Hua to attack and add more~]


The sound of water is crisp and clear, hot steam rises from behind the rags, the warm yellow light in the bathroom vaguely reflects the figure of the woman on the rags, the atmosphere is ambiguous, but Kai stands in front of the bathroom door, his face is not at all charming, Even... a little bit of regret.

Yes, he regretted taking this unidentified girl with him, oh yes, and the strange-looking mouse she kept.

She was alone in the abandoned shop, and she even headshot a zombie!

She is petite, with slender arms and legs, and she hasn't eaten for several days. How did she, a teenage girl, headshot a zombie?
In the last days, there are hordes of zombies. He has encountered wolf girls and Frankensteins. Viruses are rampant. He has no idea what strange mutated species will appear here.

Bringing a seemingly weak but powerful stranger with him is simply a ticking time bomb, and it is definitely not a wise choice.

But in the end, because of that weak "brother", he softened his heart and carried her on his back.

Her clear eyes are very much like his sister... Luna.

There was unbearable pain in Kai's eyes, and the thought of recalling was interrupted, because Yan Huan's weak cry came from the bathroom.

"I seem... I didn't bring the clothes in, can my brother pass them for me?"

Kai frowned in annoyance, rejecting it in his heart, but couldn't control his legs, and went to get her the clean clothes on the chair in the living room.

The clean clothes are his.

There are very few human beings left in the last days. The whole city is empty, and the residential areas are dark. Occasionally, a few houses turn on the lights, and then turn them off quickly.

The residential area was desolate and uninhabited, so he found a random house and brought Yan Huan over to take a bath.

Her original clothes were so tattered that she couldn't wear them anymore, and her body was so dirty and smelly that she seemed to have crawled out of a pile of rotting corpses. Kai couldn't stand it, and she couldn't stand it even more.

With his back facing the bathroom, he put his arms through the rags, and passed the clothes in with a blank expression.

There was the rustling sound of dressing in the bathroom, Yan Huan turned off the bathroom light, and limped barefoot from the bathroom back to the living room.

After turning off the lights, there was only a faint white moonlight left in the room.

Kai's shirt was wide enough to cover her knees, and the exposed calf was white and bright under the moonlight. Although the shirt was loose, she didn't wear underwear, so Xiaohe's pointed breasts were roughly reflected by the shirt. contour.

The wet hair was still dripping, flowing from the neck down the collarbone into the shirt, and after a while the shirt was stained to a small piece.

She smiled gratefully at Kai, her face washed clean of dirt was cute and cute, her eyes were as bright as stars under the moonlight, and she was cute.

Kai didn't have any charming thoughts in his heart, she looked only in her teens, about the same age as Luna, how could he be interested in such a little girl?
He sat back on the sofa, his eyes were light, and his tone was just a kind reminder.

"With your legs exposed, ten out of ten zombies will be attracted to bite you."

Yan Huan:. . .

Fair skin and beautiful long legs, you just want to say this to my long legs?

I am not convinced, I will obey you!

"Your pants are too long. My legs are so much shorter than yours. I have to drag you around in your pants. It's very inconvenient..."

Kai raised his eyes, feeling helpless for a moment.

"The pants are too long, you can cut them off."

Yan Huan:. . .

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

 [There is another chapter ~]

(End of this chapter)

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