Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 765 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 765 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (6)

[Does the player accept the information of this world? 】

Yan Huan, who was hungry, with dizzy eyes and weak legs, looked at Kai walking around in the room, and felt that he was a big piece of braised pork walking around!

She replied feebly, "Accept."

In 2420, a sudden outbreak of an unknown virus first swept across country M, and then spread to the whole world. This unknown virus was named Crazy. People infected with this virus will lose all sensory perception, including brain thinking, and become walking dead.

For short, zombies.

Guns and ammunition are not available to them at all, and zombies like to attack humans in groups. Although their aggressiveness is not high, the virus on their bodies will cause infection as long as they scratch a wound on a normal human.

Due to the outbreak of the Crazy virus, scientists from all over the world have invested in the research of antibodies to this virus. Various antibodies that failed in the research were injected into the zombies, and the second round of new virus panic broke out!

The second round of the new virus created Frankenstein, who was no different from ordinary humans, but his thinking and nervous system was destroyed, and the virus was carried on his body, and he would attack the living things around him at any time due to the collapse of the nervous system.

A werewolf has a damaged nervous system without human thinking, and will only attack when hungry or frightened. Its bite and running speed are comparable to beasts, and its attack power and explosive power are extremely high.

At the same time, there are still many unknown viruses, but no matter what kind of virus or monster, for ordinary humans, they can easily kill them.

So the UN built a temporary shelter in the archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. Due to limited personnel and limited weapons, only a few ports near the Atlantic Ocean are currently open, and normal humans are transported into the shelter on the archipelago by helicopter every day.

[The player only needs to reach the nearest port safely with the raiders and enter the shelter, and they are basically out of danger]

Yan Huan shook his head inwardly.

Of course she knew that it would be safe to enter the refuge, but the problem was that it was very difficult to reach the port.

The nearest port is thousands of kilometers away. The previous armed forces dropped bombs trying to kill the group of zombies, but they didn't expect many zombies to escape from the explosion!

Zombies will never die as long as their brains are not destroyed.

The bombs dropped by the air didn't kill the zombies, but most of the bridges and roads were blown up. Now the traffic is inconvenient, and there are no trains or planes at all. Want to go thousands of kilometers away?
It is estimated that, like the ancients, they rely entirely on walking.

Her current body, Xia Qianqian, is 16 years old. After the virus broke out, her family members all died. She looked thin and thin like a little girl of thirteen or fourteen.

Yan Huan sat cross-legged on the sofa, holding his chin and frowning in thought.


The poor stomach growled again, she stopped thinking, and slumped on the sofa weakly, watching Kai come out of the master bedroom, holding a packing bag in her hand.


Yan Huan's weak eyes suddenly turned green. To be honest, she could smell the food through the packaging bag!
Her eyes lit up, "Give it all to me?!"

Kai nodded, she took the packaging bag, and couldn't wait to tear it open and stuff the biscuits into her mouth.

"Brother, are you going to the port too? I'm with you, don't worry, I will never be your burden!"

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  [Tomb-sweeping day... I don't wish everyone a happy holiday, everyone take advantage of the holiday to sleep late and play games to relax hahahahaha]

(End of this chapter)

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