Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 767 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 767 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (8)

In the deep and black sky, the stars are still as bright and bright as before. The once brightly lit and lively city is now full of dilapidated ruins, few people are seen, and it is desolate and desolate.

Not even the sound of insects, it was eerie and eerie.

Kai walked in front, Yan Huan was a little girl, her legs were shorter than his and she walked slower, and it was good for her right leg to be dislocated, so he deliberately didn't slow down.

Yan Huan trotted behind him, but he didn't dare to speak loudly, for fear of attracting zombies and werewolves, so he could only whisper, "You're a man! You're a 24K pure man! You're very manly! You're very, very, very masculine!"

Kai finally slowed down, Yan Huan followed him every step of the way, looking around from time to time, for fear that something strange would pop out from the dark corner.

The empty ruined square, only the two of them, they have to find a car now.

Otherwise, if you walk to the port on foot, you may be infected with the virus and die on the road before you have walked much.

"I remember... bypassing the shopping mall building in front, and walking one block back is the District Army. There may be leftover military vehicles in it. Military vehicles are better than ordinary cars. We..."

Kai suddenly pulled out the long blade, and plunged it into the cylindrical trash can at the intersection. The muffled sound of shattering was like the sound of smashing watermelons.

Yan Huan's scalp tingled!
Is it... a zombie?
Kai pulled out the long blade from the trash can, half of the long blade was stained with red, white and white, bloody and foul-smelling things, a retching nausea welled up in Yan Huan's throat.

"This zombie has some brains, and wants to hide in the trash can and attack passers-by."

Yan Huan:. . .

...It is obvious that the zombie is sleeping in the trash can, right?
How can zombies have brains?

She looked at the long blade of the eye armor, red, white, and white blood and brains dripped rapidly along his long blade, and after a while, the long blade returned to its usual cold light, as clean as if it hadn't exploded zombies just now head.

"Your knife..."

Kai Moran explained, "Standard equipment for fighters in the aviation team."

Aviation team? !

He is... a soldier of the aviation team? !

Yan Huan's eyes sparkled, he wished he could rush over and hug Kai's thigh!

Big boss big boss!

The aviation team is one of the best legendary elite teams in the country. The fighters are all elites selected from ordinary soldiers. They are basically talented and have participated in countless star wars.

In this virus outbreak, many surviving humans were rescued by the fighters of the aviation team. To ordinary people, the fighters of the aviation team are like gods!
Hold on to the big thick legs...

Yan Huan Pi Dian Pi Dian followed behind the armor, his tall and straight back blended into the night, the night wind blew over, the dust slapped on the armor, the slight collision sound was very reassuring and gave a sense of security.

Bypassing the shopping mall building, the sky gradually brightened, and the night was replaced by day, but it brought more panic.

It is easier to find active targets during the day. Zombies and werewolves are also active during the day. Ordinary humans are rare and delicious prey for them. As long as they are found, they will definitely attract a group of monsters to hunt and kill!

The brighter and brighter daylight shone on Yan Huan's heart. She held up a heart, wishing she could grow ten heads, and watched the movement around her in all directions.




After making a mess of voices, Kai quickly turned around and hugged Yan Huan's waist, hugging her directly in his arms, and dodged into the abandoned shop on the side of the street!

 Thank you for the dynamic light wave—biù rewards 100 book coins~

  Thank you lookll for rewarding 1888 book coins~

  【Blowing kisses to heart~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ~】

(End of this chapter)

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