Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 768 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 768 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (9)

Cold sweat broke out on Yan Huan's frightened forehead, and she was hugged by Kai's waist. She was short, with her toes hanging in the air, not reaching Kai's knees.

...Why is he in such a posture of holding a child? !

...Why not a princess hug? !
Her body was pressed against his chest, the hairs on her body stood up as the cold armor rubbed against her, and the cold and handsome face of the armor was close at hand, as long as she stretched out her tongue, she could lick his thin lips.

His heart was beating wildly, embarrassingly loud, but luckily Kai's attention wasn't here, he hugged Yan Huan like a rag doll, didn't have any other thoughts at all, and focused on looking at the situation outside.


A woman's painful groans came from outside, as well as a man's urging.

"Get up! Those zombies will jump down from upstairs and kill us!"

The woman's desperate voice was tinged with tears, "My leg is broken, I, I can't move!"

"Don't be afraid, I'll hug you, don't make any noise!"

Is it human?
Yan Huan looked at Kai with earnest eyes, it's rare to meet the same kind, shouldn't he extend a helping hand to them?

Kai's face was indifferent, frowning slightly, he was hesitating.

As he said, in this era, there is no way to identify gender with eyes. Similarly, in the last days, there is no way to use eyes and ears to identify whether a person is human.

Even humans, what if they carry an unknown virus that could break out at any time?
Like Frankenstein, he will change from an ordinary human being to a highly aggressive murderous monster at any time!

Bringing an unknown Xia Qianqian by my side was already very dangerous. Kai is not hard-hearted and unwilling to help others, but...

He didn't stay in the refuge, but came to the virus-stricken area privately because he had more important things to do.

He can't be in danger, he can't die yet.

Yan Huan looked at his cold face, there was not much eagerness to help others in his eyes, she could understand his hesitation.

After all, in the end of the world, when there are too many unknown viruses and dangers, she can't end up harming not only herself, but also Kai because of her kindness.

Kai held her in his arms with one hand, lightly tore off a piece from the crumbling decorative wooden board, and hit the man outside with precision.

The man jumped in fright and ran forward, but the woman in his arms turned around and saw Kai and Yan Huan hiding in the abandoned shop.

She almost cried out in surprise, and pinched the man who was hugging her. She was overjoyed but dared not speak, so she pulled his clothes and yelled softly, telling him to look back.

The man couldn't believe it when he saw Kai and Yan Huan here, Kai gestured to him, and he quickly ran over with the woman in his arms!
The two smiled gratefully at Kai, and Kai put down Yan Huan in his arms, and the four of them hid in the abandoned shop, which was actually not very safe.

The zombies upstairs will come down at any time, and the zombies are moving in groups. It will not be easy to escape from the pile of zombies unscathed.

Yan Huan took out Meng Qi, who was watching the scene, from his pants pocket.

She patted Meng Qi's little butt, and spoke softly with a smile.

"Guy Mengqi, go for a walk on the second floor. Anyway, you are fast, so it is impossible for you to be overtaken by the clumsy zombies, and lead them to another place. We will wait for you at the army in the back street."

Meng Qi stared at her for a few seconds, pretending to faint in her hand.

 Thanks to Che Yuner for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Zhenxin for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Yuxinlian for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for the dynamic light wave—biù rewards 100 book coins~

  [The little cuties hugging Mengmeng go crazy! ! ! 】

  Thank you Nan [Big Brother] 50000 Book Coin Award! ! !

  [Ah Nan is super heart-warming, I specially changed Mengmeng to Android to give a reward, wow, why is it so heart-warming, I am so heart-warming...QAQ]

  【If you are so warm, maybe one day I will really bend QAQ】

(End of this chapter)

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