Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 795 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 795 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (42)

He quickly pressed the button on the 36th floor of the top floor, smashed the floor control display with a punch, and said hastily, "I'll lure the werewolf away, you go upstairs and hide!"

The elevator door closed slowly, and he raised his hand and sent the long blade into the throat of the werewolf who was rushing behind him. His azure blue eyes contained a sea of ​​stars, his eyes shone slightly, and he opened his lips and his voice was low.

"Qianqian, I like you."

Confession for the first time.

It could also be the last time.

Yan Huan was stunned in disbelief.

The elevator door closed slowly, Kai just gave her a long look, and the werewolves behind him rushed up one after another, his movements were still neat, but Yan Huan knew that he was also tired and couldn't last long.

"You are crazy, come here!!!"

He had just smashed the control system of the elevator, and the closed elevator door couldn't be opened again.

Yan Huan just watched his figure helplessly, blocked by the closed elevator door.


She slapped on the cold elevator door, and as the elevator slowly went up, her tears welled up.

She couldn't press any floor buttons, and she could only feel the slowly rising elevator, pulling the distance between her and Kai wider and wider.

Is he crazy? !
There will be more and more werewolves in the parking garage. How could he lure so many werewolves away?

"Kai you fool!!!"

She was anxious and angry, she couldn't control the tears, Meng Qi hugged her leg comfortingly, Yan Huan cried out in distress.

Sacrifice to save her?

Do you think that you are a hero who saves the beauty, and it is amazing that you have done so much for her, but he is just a fool!

If he died, would she be able to live in peace and happiness?
Why don't you want to wait and think of a solution, but push her away self-righteously?

No, she must go down to find him!

The elevator system was broken, and she couldn't take the elevator down once she got to the top floor.


The elevator door opened, Yan Huan hurried out of the elevator with Meng Qi in his arms, looking for the exit of the corridor.

In such a short time, he should still be in the underground garage.

In the dark corridor, she was most afraid of this kind of dark and claustrophobic place, but now all her thoughts are to save Kai!
She has a witch's cloak, even if she is scratched by a werewolf, she will not be attacked by the virus.

Ask Mengqi to release Kai's shield to ensure that he is not injured, and they can escape together!
As for Yan Rao and Fang Xi in the car.

Sorry, since you're selfish and willing to stay in the car, let's just let you have enough.

Now she and Kai couldn't protect themselves, and they didn't have the time to take care of such wolf-hearted people.

【Notice!Mengqi's first skill can only be effective for players and Mengqi himself! 】

Yan Huan was already panting after reaching the 25th floor, and now that the system gave her such a reminder, she was dizzy.

Mengqi's it ineffective against Kai?

[All assist skills are invalid for canyon heroes]

Yan Huan frowned.

Then, we had to let her and Mengqi lead the werewolf away and let Kai go first.

It's just that he is as stubborn and domineering as him, so he probably won't let her protect him.

Yan Huan didn't take a good rest either. Her physique was already poor. When she reached the 12th floor, she was too tired to lift her legs. Her ears were ringing and her eyes were blurred. She felt that in the next second, she would die suddenly in this dark corridor.

"Mengqi, Mengqi, go down and help Kai first!"

Meng Qi shook his head, "Meng Qi's task is to protect the master!"

She doesn't need protection, she won't be infected with the virus, and as long as it's not fatal, it won't do much harm to her.

"It's your job to protect the armor now!"

 Thanks to the little devil for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to the shredded meat of Yihongyuan for rewarding 1488 book coins~

  Thanks to つ微凉tumou shallow and sincere half a reward of 588 book coins~

  Thank you Liluoi for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Qing Xiao Ru Dai for the 10000 book coin award! ! !

  [Hug Mengjia's heart-warming cuties and rub them! ! !Embracing Xiaoxiao's thigh who suddenly became rich and rubbed wildly! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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