Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 796 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 796 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (43)

The ringing in the ears, the dark and claustrophobic corridor gradually aroused the fear in her heart.

She is afraid of the dark, and even more afraid of being alone in a quiet space in the dark.

The smell of blood in the corridor is strong, and sometimes you will step on soft obstacles, and you don't need to think about it, it is a corpse.

Yan Huan trembled uncontrollably, there was nothing she could do, the fear that surged up from the bottom of her heart was like a wave, trying to engulf her.

But Kai is still fighting alone.

She cannot be defeated by this invisible dark fear.

She has to be very powerful, very powerful, to be qualified to stand beside the powerful fighters of the aviation team.

On the last few floors, she walked down with difficulty while holding on to the railing. While complaining about the weak body of the rookie, she was worried about whether the armor was injured.

There were still the footsteps and low growls of werewolves in the parking lot, but... the sound of Kai fighting with them could not be heard.

There is no movement of Kai, could it be that he...

Yan Huan's eyes went dark, her throbbing heart made her unable to stand still, her beating heart hurt her chest, she stood at the entrance of the corridor, looking out at the parking lot with difficulty.

The werewolves gathered together, thinking about how to attack.

And their targets were Yan Rao and Fang Xi in the military vehicle!
Yan Huan carefully looked around the parking lot in the corner, but Kai and Meng Qi were not there.

Meng Qi escaped with his armor?


The sound of the werewolf slapping the roof of the car echoed in the empty parking lot, Yan Huan looked at the location of the military car and pursed his lips indifferently.

As for Yan Rao and Fang Xi, she thought she and Kai had done enough for them.

Not only did they not want to be grateful, but they stood by and watched every time at a critical moment, regardless of whether she and Kai were alive or alive.

It was even more extreme just now, watching Kai and her outside, but he didn't want to let them get in the car.

People can be selfish, but if you are so selfish that you have no conscience, then it is too much.

Now that Meng Qi and Kai are not here, she was exhausted running down the corridor, and she really didn't have the extra energy to take care of their lives.

She is not a fairy, she is just an ordinary person.

Yan Huan sighed inwardly, and turned around resolutely.

She also wanted to be selfish for a while.

Yan Huan walked up the corridor to the first floor, the door of the community was open, and there were no werewolves around.

Being in the dark for a long time, the sudden sunlight was dazzling, Yan Huan raised his hand to block the light, but he didn't dare to go far, so he only searched nearby.

There is no figure.

Where can Mengqi and Kai go?

She walked around the neighborhood, and the building farther away was Building No. [-]. The surroundings were quiet and there was no sound, and her heart, which was beating wildly, became a little faster.


There was a weak cry, Yan Huan looked along the source of the sound, in the flower bed, Meng Qi stood on the shrubs and shrubs and waved to her.

"Where's the armor?"

Meng Qi pointed to the inside of the flower bed.

The trees in the flower beds have not been pruned for a long time, the shrubs and dwarf trees are as tall as half a person, and the tall trees are more dense.

Yan Huan turned into the flower bed, only to see Kai sitting by the big tree.

There was a lot of blood on the front of his armor, and his face was pale. At this time, he closed his eyes and frowned, and he didn't open his eyes when he heard the footsteps.

Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat.

She approached Kai and asked in a low tone, "Are you injured?"

Kai slowly opened his eyes, his eyes stained scarlet with blood, looking a little cautious.

He frowned, and didn't answer Yan Huan's question directly, his eyes were displeased, but the tone of his mouth didn't reprimand, just helpless, "You're disobedient."

 [There are still six chapters ~]

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(End of this chapter)

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