Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 797 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty

Chapter 797 The blood-drinking blade becomes more and more empty (44)

[For your favorite Yun Hua to attack and add more~]

Yan Huan hugged his waist with red eyes, "Brother said, it's okay for Qianqian to be self-willed once in a while."

Kai had no choice but to laugh. He did say that it’s okay to be willful occasionally, but the frequency of your disobedience and willfulness can’t be counted as occasional, right?

She cried before, and her tone was stuffy and nasal.

"Hey, the sentence just now that liking doesn't count. My brother said that I will say it after I grow up. Only when I grow up do I like it."

There was a gloomy look in Kai's eyes, and from now on...

"Brother, do you still have the strength to get up? Let's find a place to hide and rest. Now that the werewolves are in the parking lot, they probably won't come out in a while."

The werewolves were all focused on Yan Rao and Fang Xi in the military vehicle, completely forgetting about them.

Yan Huan supported Kai to stand up, but didn't ask how Kai escaped.

Kai is so powerful, and there is no one holding back around him, so it is not difficult for him to stand out from the encirclement.

He seemed to be very weak, he stood up with force, Yan Huan obviously felt his body leaning towards her uncontrollably, most of his body weight was on her.

"Let's go to Building No. [-]. Werewolves probably wouldn't expect us to stay here."

Kai needs to rest, and so does she.

Building No. [-] was empty, and there should be no monsters. The werewolves were all attracted by the low growls to the underground parking lot over there.

Yan Huan casually entered a room with an open door. There were messy things scattered on the floor of the living room that were too late to take away. Fortunately, there were no corpses or bloodstains, otherwise it would take time to clean them up.

She helped Kai into the bedroom, little stars appeared in front of her tired eyes.

Yan Huan unbuttoned his armor, and said in a soothing tone, "Go to sleep for a while, Meng Qi is watching outside, and we will wake you up if there is any danger."

Kai suddenly pressed her hand to unarmor him, and said in a calm tone, "I'll do it myself."

Yan Huan glanced at him inexplicably, then curled his lips and left the room speechlessly.

Kai is too shy, just to take off his armor, not to strip him for anything.

The door was closed, Kai finally let out a deep sigh, frowned and took off the armor.

There were three broken scratches on the chest of the cold and dark armor, which was faintly bloody.

He unbuttoned his shirt, and there were three scratch marks on his left chest. The wound was not deep, but the blood on the wound was no longer the normal bright red, but dark, and the surrounding blood vessels were also a strange dark black.

Before the werewolf caught him, he didn't dodge in time, and was scratched by him, which meant that he was infected with the virus and would become a monster like a werewolf.

So he ran out of the parking lot, and the werewolves didn't come after him because he was about to become their kind.

Turning into a monster like a werewolf, he might as well commit suicide to avoid harming others.

His thin lips were pursed, his expression was indifferent, but the sadness in his eyes was heavy.

Xia Qianqian, what should I do?

She is still waiting for his love when she grows up. If he becomes a monster, she should be very sad.

There is still no news about Luna. He has a lot of things to do, and he doesn't want to end his life so soon.

Kai lay quietly on his side under the quilt, he closed his eyes, thinking about something, and clenched his fists unconsciously.

Xia Qianqian must not let Xia Qianqian know that he is infected with the virus. Rather than letting her know that he has become a monster and will be sad for the rest of his life, it is better...

He was unfeeling, and made her feel sad for a while.

 Thank you Yuanxing Lantian for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Luoge for rewarding 400 book coins~

  Thank you Meiqian Rushui for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Fusheng Ruomeng for rewarding 688 book coins~

  Thanks to Fragrance for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Liluoi for rewarding 1587 book coins~

  Thank you worth it for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Chiffon Dance for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Qiyou for knocking on the cute [The Big Brother of King Thief 6] 69440 Book Coin Award! ! !

  [Boots and boots everyone's strong support! ! !Knock on Aiqi worry wow hug! ! ! (tears)]

(End of this chapter)

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