Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 906 Don’t Believe in the Hexagrams of Destiny, Only Follow the Love of Their Children

Chapter 906 Don’t Believe in the Hexagrams of Destiny, Only Follow the Love of Their Children (84)

Not many people in the palace were sad about Xu Zhen's death.

Except for the few palace servants who served him personally who shed some tears, the rest of the people were lucky.

Once Xu Zhen died, it would be good for Yu Qiuze to directly enter the palace and proclaim himself emperor. At least they would not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and they would be able to save their lives.

Yan Huan has been in a daze for most of the day.

The people in the palace were busy with the funeral, Xu Zhen's hidden guards took her to the inner hall where the coffin was kept.

"There are ventilation holes in the compartment. It will inevitably be bumpy when the coffin is carried out. The empress protects the child in the womb."

Yan Huan nodded numbly, "Where's Ming Shiyin?"

"Master Ming has already entered the compartment."

The inner hall where the coffin rests is covered with white silk, and two white candles as thick as arms are lit on the desk, the flames swaying, and the deserted environment is bleak.

The nanmu coffin was placed in the middle, and the emperor's coffin was built in a grand style, even if there were compartments, it would not be obvious.

The secret guard fiddled with the mechanism, Yan Huan lay down carefully in the compartment protecting his stomach.

"Mistress, be careful."

The mechanism was closed and turned into darkness, which seemed to isolate her from this deep palace forever.

Inside the compartment is a sachet of anti-abortion medicine, prepared by Xu Zhen early in the morning. There is only one vent hole at the bottom that flickers the candlelight of the inner hall.

The person beside her held her in his arms, and the familiar breath touched the fragile part of her heart, and her heart ached again.

Ming Shiyin patted her on the back softly, and rubbed the top of her hair affectionately.

She lost a lot of weight, and she was weak and pitiful in her arms.

But he was not by her side when she was most difficult and helpless.

"Xu Zhen is dead."

Yan Huan wrote slowly in Ming Shiyin's palm.

Ming Shiyin hesitated, and wrote a few words in her palm.

"Are you sad?"

Yan Huan closed her eyes, she didn't know whether the feeling in her heart was sadness or something else.

"seems like it."

Ming Shiyin sighed inwardly, but it didn't mean he was jealous.

With so many things happening, he could feel that Xu Zhen really liked Shang Cheng'an.

Xu Zhen should have some unspeakable secrets, but at the end, he didn't say what the unspeakable secrets were.

He admired Xu Zhen very much. When he loves someone, he really just wants her to be happy.

If he changes positions, he can't be like Xu Zhen, who can watch the woman he likes with others, and even take care of their children willingly.

His love for Shang Cheng'an is strong and domineering, he will not fake the happiness of his beloved woman, it must be given by him.

"Thank you for taking care of you and our children."

Yan Huan's tears flowed down.

Thank him.

Really thank him.

Although she didn't understand why Xu Zhen wanted to help her from the beginning to the end, he did help her sincerely.

After a long silence, she wrote on Ming Shiyin's palm.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Ming Shiyin shook his head and kissed her forehead.

"Is the child fussy?"

Yan Huan shook his head.

The baby just isn't fussy at all, so she often forgets that she has a baby in her belly.

Her hand was cold, Ming Shiyin took her hand and put it on his chest to warm it, he wrote slowly, in the darkness, his eyes were full of tender longing.

"I miss you."

Yan Huan kissed his lips.

She also misses him and worries about him.

Because of the rain, I will think of his indifferent eyebrows and eyes when I rescued him for the first time.

Because of the peony flowers in the courtyard of the bedroom, I will think of the Yulouchun that he promised to fill the courtyard.

Because of the bright moon and stars at night, I think of the night when I hugged and slept with him.

Things are impermanent, but liking you is something that will never change in a lifetime.

 Thank you Bookworm vs Riceworm for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Daily check-in (1/1), kneading insects~]

(End of this chapter)

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