Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 907 Don’t Believe in the Hexagrams of Destiny, Only Follow the Love of Their Children

Chapter 907 Don’t Believe in the Hexagrams of Destiny, Only Follow the Love of Their Children (85)

late at night.

Because Yu Qiuze will enter the palace tomorrow, it is unlucky to have the corpse of the former emperor in the palace, so Yu Qiuze's eyeliner asked the palace people to transport Xu Zhen's coffin out overnight.

The four gates of the palace were quickly replaced by Yu Qiuze's guards. Except for the twelve palace men who carried Xu Zhen's coffin, no one was let out.

Even, in order to confirm that the person in the coffin was indeed Xu Zhen, the guards guarding the gate even opened the coffin to examine the real body.

"Okay, let's go."

The guards rushed to the palace and waved their hands, letting them go.

The coffin was heavy, and there were three more people lying in it, and the palace servants lifted it a little wobbly, Ming Shiyin protected Yan Huan in his arms, for fear that she would be jolted.

out of the palace.

The palace gate was heavily guarded, and if they hadn't passed through Xu Zhen's coffin, they wouldn't be able to get out at all.

The coffin was loaded onto a carriage and dragged unsteadily all the way to the imperial mausoleum.

Yan Huan stared blankly at Nanmu on the second floor, while Xu Zhen lay there quietly above.

Even if Xu Zhen died, he still remembered to help them to be free.

She leaned into Ming Shiyin's arms, it was very cold tonight.

The imperial mausoleum is not far from the imperial palace, and it was only dawn when we arrived at the imperial mausoleum.

In just one night, the royal power changed, and the dragon chair had changed its owner. The new emperor entered the palace, and everyone's attention was on the new emperor. Only a few palace officials like Xu Zhen were responsible for moving the coffin to the underground of the imperial mausoleum. inside the hall.

The ever-burning lamp was lit, and the palace people who had been tired all night did not kneel down and hurried back to the palace.

The hall fell silent.

Half an hour later, there was the sound of fiddling with the mechanism.

With the sudden light from the candle, Ming Shiyin raised his hand to cover Yan Huan's eyes, and helped her out of the compartment.

"May the lady go?"

Yan Huan nodded, she slept in the compartment last night, she is not too tired and weak now.

"My lady, please follow me..."

Yan Huan turned his head to look at the lonely coffin, and softly interrupted the secret guard's words.


She walked to the coffin and was silent for a while, then slowly knelt down with her waist supported, bowed her head solemnly, and kowtowed to the coffin.

After today, all the hatred and gratitude disappeared.

In the next life, I hope Xu Zhenmo will join the emperor's family again and be a good ordinary citizen.

Ming Shiyin knelt beside her and also kowtowed, his voice was calm and sincere, "Thank you."

He helped Yan Huan up, and followed the secret guards to leave through the tunnel dug long ago. The moment the heavy stone door fell, Yan Huan couldn't help but look back at the coffin, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The secret passage is very long, and it was dug in a hurry. Many places are still seeping water, and the soil has a strong damp smell. Fortunately, the body is well maintained during this time, and I don’t feel tired after walking for such a long time.

The dark guard at the front lifted the wooden board on the top of the end, and the bright sunlight shone in. Ming Shiyin climbed up first, and pulled Yan Huan up cautiously.

There was a carriage parked in the woods, and the dark guard said his final instructions, "The temporary silver and change of clothes are all ready, and His Majesty's warrant is also in the baggage of the car, and the journey is smooth."

"Thank you."

The carriage looked plain on the outside, but the inside was well furnished, with several layers of blankets on it, so I didn't feel the discomfort of the bumps at all.

She opened the bundle, and inside were some silver taels, warrants, and a pair of small bracelets and anklets. The patterns on them were drawn by the mother herself, and then carved by the craftsman.

This was what she wore when she was a child. Back then, the Shang family was ransacked and everything belonging to the Shang family was used as treasury supplies.

Xu Zhen... Remember to return this to her.

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  Thanks to Fusheng Ruomeng for rewarding 100 book coins~

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  【Good night~ hold me in my arms~】

(End of this chapter)

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