Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 916 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 916 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (5)

[For _Yaoyao today to add more~]

Ax pulled her around in a big circle. She was wearing small high heels, and the leather straps had worn out her ankles. Let alone running, every step she took now hurt like stepping on a knife edge.

The knights around her turned their guns at the chasing dragon, the gunshots sounded one after another, Ax dragged Yan Huan and ran forward frantically, the raindrops hit her face, she couldn't open her eyes at all, as if she hadn't The life force was pulled by him like a rag doll.

"Bang bang bang-"

There were several more gunshots, and Shouyue chased after him and shouted, "The dragon's target is the princess! Protect the princess!"

It was just that the dragons deliberately made everyone think that the target was him, so they kept the promise and asked the team to escort the princess to leave quickly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the princess left, the monster dragons immediately changed their direction to chase the princess.


The flames erupted, and the several knights behind them were wrapped in flames. The smell of burnt flesh was disgusting, Yan Huan's scalp was numb, his mind was blank, and he was dragged away by Ax in a daze.

The wind and rain were even worse, the strange dragon descended from the sky, its sharp claws grabbed Akers' shoulders, and threw him away!

The people around her were suddenly empty, and Yan Huan felt a chill in her heart. She hadn't run a few steps when her shoulder hurt, and she was picked up by the dragon!


The sudden suspension made Yan Huan's heart rise to his throat!
The wind of the monster dragon flapping its wings was fierce, the rain was still like a waterfall, and her feet were empty. She didn't care about the pain in her shoulders, and she didn't know how high it was from the ground now, but she knew that if she was thrown down now, she would be in danger. The small body will definitely break a few ribs!

"Bang bang bang, bang bang bang—"

The bullet hit the back of the monster dragon, and its claws holding Yan Huan's shoulders were not loose. This kind of injury was like a tickle to it, and it could be completely ignored.


The branches and leaves on the top of the tree were pulled away again, and it was rare to see some light. After staying in the dark environment for a long time, he felt a little uncomfortable, so Yan Huan raised his hand to cover his eyes.

She dared not look down.

No need to think about it, she was taken out of the dense forest, how high she is now from the ground!
The strange dragon was still flapping its wings and flying, and it was unknown whether it wanted to take her somewhere, or wanted to fly higher and throw her down and smash her into meatloaf.

She has just transmigrated to this plane, so can't you be a little more friendly to her? !
Yan Huan wants to cry but has no tears.

Without the obstruction of branches and leaves, the fierce wind and rain beat her like a poor and helpless grass, the gunshots behind her became weaker and weaker, and Yan Huan's inner despair collapsed.

Where to go... Where to go...

She felt that only a parachute could relieve her fragile little heart that was about to break.

As soon as the leading monster left, the rest of the monsters also left with it. The sky was filled with darkness, and the battle was magnificent. Yan Huan, who was caught, didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

I don't know how long it took to fly, the heavy rain came and walked quickly, the rain gradually became lighter, Yan Huan could barely open his eyes to see.

There was a vast grass plain under her feet, and there was a raised hill not far away. The monster dragon grabbed her and dived towards the ground, getting closer and closer to the ground, Yan Huan closed her eyes again in fear.


Even if it is death, let her die happily, okay? !
The strange dragon loosened its claws and threw Yan Huan to the ground.

Fortunately, it wasn't too high, Yan Huan just dropped his ass.


The leading monster dragon spit out flames, and its scarlet eyes stared straight at Yan Huan, who was staring at it.

(End of this chapter)

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