Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 917 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 917 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (6)

[In order not to stay or be cute, but be obedient and add more~]

Guailong just stared at her without making a move, and Yan Huan also stared at him intently.

After a moment of stalemate, the strange dragon looked down at her and asked, "Why don't you run?"

The deep man's voice actually spoke human words.

Yan Huan curled his lips indifferently, "I can't run away, can my legs compare to your two wings? Isn't running a waste of energy?"

Suddenly feeling something was wrong, Yan Huan widened his eyes, with a ghostly expression on his face, "You can speak human language?"

This little princess...

The strange dragon pulled out a smile. With such a smile on its ugly and ferocious face, it was really creepy.


Yan Huan uttered a single word, "Damn!"

If you don't behave well, what are you doing turning into such an ugly monster?Really hot eyes!
——The most harmonious dialogue between kidnappers and hostages in history.

There was no trace of fear on Yan Huan's face, he was a little scared just now, but he heard this man, oh no, this dragon is speaking human language, so he is inexplicably not afraid anymore.

"What did you catch me here for?"

The strange dragon approached slowly, raised one of its paws, and Yan Huan silently moved back.

She tilted her head in confusion, "Are you going to trample me to death?"

If you just want to kill her, you can drop her to death at such a high distance just now, why go to all the troubles to bring her to the hillside and trample her to death?

Unless it has a quirk for killing its prey.

The strange dragon raised its claws to fix Yan Huan's body, then suddenly lowered its head and approached, Yan Huan shrunk his neck in fright.

Its face was almost close to the tip of her nose, its scarlet eyes were terrifying, and its face was covered with raised scales, making Yan Huan's scalp numb just looking at it.

"Are you afraid now?"

Yan Huan clenched his teeth and closed his eyes tightly, not wanting to look at the ugly dragon.

Yan Huan's body was covered with goose bumps as his hot breath sprayed on his neck. The dragon paused for a while and ordered, "Open your eyes."

Yan Huan remained motionless, as if he didn't hear her at all.

The strange dragon snorted coldly, "Don't look, that's my woman too."

It bowed its head towards Yan Huan's collarbone and spewed out a ball of flames, but it didn't burn and destroy a large area of ​​skin, it only burned a weird pattern on the collarbone.

Caught off guard by scorching flesh, heart-piercing pain, Yan Huan frowned and cried out in pain, the wound was densely stinging, and the rain hit it like a needle prick!

She was so painful that she couldn't lift her strength, and her consciousness was also in a trance. When had this body experienced such torture, she couldn't bear it and passed out.

The monster dragon moved its claws away, glanced at her pale face, was very satisfied with the imprint on the collarbone, flapped its wings and left with the monster dragons behind.

The dwindling rain intensified again, and the squalling wind and torrential rain swept over her. Yan Huan, who was lying on the hillside, seemed to be torn apart by the wind and rain, and disappeared in the rainstorm.

By the time Baili Shouyue arrived with his people, it was already evening.

He pursed his lips tightly, his lines were cold and hard, rainwater slid into his collar along his cold and hard outline, and Yaozhi's eyes were covered with darkness.

Seeing the color of the skirt on the hillside from afar, the heart of keeping the promise sank.

She lay lifelessly on the green grass, her sea-blue hair just reached her shoulders, and wet strands hung on her face, her lips were pale, her eyelashes trembled slightly from the rain, and the scar around her collarbone was red. After a circle, the dark red words that seemed to be dripping blood were extremely obvious on the white skin.

It is a weird pattern, and it seems to be a complicated ancient character.

(End of this chapter)

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