Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 922 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 922 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (11)

【Add more for Su Qi~】


The final coda was a bit drawn out, full of helplessness.

I can't stand you, and... can't kill you.

Yan Huan raised his forehead, "I really have serious business!"

She tore off the collar of her nightgown, Baili Shouyue turned her head away, her ears were completely red.

"Look, what should I do? If my father finds out, he will definitely not want me as a daughter."

Keeping the promise for a long time refused to turn around, Yan Huan straightened his head.

She wondered, "Didn't you read it before, why are you suddenly innocent now?"

The clothes here are open, and the women's skirts have a low collar that can reveal a long gully, and it's nothing to look at the collarbone.

What's more, the wizard gave her medicine before, and the promise was also watched.

Shouyue turned around slowly, and saw her tear off her collar, revealing the mark on her collarbone.

"Oh, this is it."

Yan Huan crossed his arms and looked at him coolly, "Otherwise, what do you think I'll show you? If you want to see it, I won't show it to you..."

Keeping the promise became red again.

"Now the rumored evil dragon is about to come out again. This mark is left by the strange dragon. Who knows if the strange dragon and the evil dragon are together..."

Yan Huan grabbed his cuff, pitifully, "If my father knows that the monster dragon is interested in me, he will definitely throw me into the forest of death!"

As expected, guilt appeared in the pupils of the keeping promise.

After all, it was his ineffective protection that caused Jiang Xiancheng to be captured by the monster dragon.

Keeping the promise and pulling up the collar for her, her eyes were like the sea reflecting the stars, azure blue and bright, so beautiful that one would sink into it.

"There is a way that may help you get rid of this mark."

Yan Huan tugged at his cuff, "What can I do?"

"It hurts a bit, you have to bear it, but I don't know if the strange dragon cast magic on the mark, maybe you still have the mark after suffering the pain."

Yan Huan still insisted, "It's okay to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, you have to try, it's better than waiting here to die, right?"

Shou Yue stared into her eyes, his heartbeat accelerated slightly, he recovered his senses and turned his eyes away.


A woman's scream broke the silence of the night.


The muffled gunshots startled the birds in the woods ahead, Shou promised to run out from the small steeple building where Yan Huan lived, "There are assassins!"

The patrolling cavaliers rushed here, kept the promise and pointed to the forest, "The assassins ran there, divided into three teams, two teams searched from both sides of the forest, and one team searched in the forest!"

The guards in the castle also chased after her, with a condensed expression on their promise, "An assassin broke into the princess's room and stabbed the princess."

The guard was taken aback, "Go and call the wizard!"

Yan Huan leaned on the bed and quietly watched the plot outside through the window, and gave Baili Shouyue a thumbs up in his heart.

The appearance is 360° without dead ends, and the acting skills are 360° without slots!

She was so amazed that she temporarily forgot the pain on her collarbone. When the wizard arrived, Yan Huan was leaning weakly against the head of the bed, his face was pale and tears were streaming down his face.

She kept her promise to Baili behind the wizard, and furtively cast a wink.

Keep the contract:. . .

Jiang Xiancheng's acting skills are not bad either.

The clavicle was scratched by the sharp blade, bloody and bloody. The wizard checked it, but fortunately there was no muscle or bone injury, only a flesh injury.

The hemostatic medicine was poured on the wound and it hurt very much, Yan Huan looked at the wound that had been bandaged, and sighed faintly.

Of course, the knife just now was planned according to the contract.

I just don't know if the weird pattern will still be there after the scar is removed.

Her poor collarbone was ill-fated, and she was injured twice within a few days of her arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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