Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 923 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 923 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (12)

[Add more for the house tears cedar ~]

It just so happened that the evil dragon reappeared, and the assassin broke into the castle again, which was not a trivial matter.

The king's concern was not that the princess was injured, but who the assassin was and where he went now.

Only the queen came to see Yan Huan's injuries that night, and saw the white bandages on her body, and wiped away tears in distress.

After taking the medicine, it didn't hurt anymore, and Yan Huan was worried that after the scar fell off, the branded pattern would still be there.

if still...

She rolled around on the bed irritably.

Then there is no other way, instead of waiting for the king to drive her to the dense forest, she might as well elope with Baili by herself first!

After the farce, the night returned to its usual calm.

The window was half open, and the crisp metallic sound of armor colliding could be heard when the knights were patrolling around. Yan Huan lay on his side on the bed, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

She thought that as a little princess, she would be able to be a fool quietly, but now that she is in this situation, she is worried every day.

Yan Huan tossed and turned on the bed with a lot of worries, occasionally touched the wound, gasped for air, and finally fell asleep somehow.

The roses around the castle gathered their petals in the middle of the night, the moonlight came in through the half-opened windows, and the patterns embroidered with silver thread on the carpet were shining brightly.


Something hit the wall, one after another, with a rhythmic, slightly muffled sound.

Yan Huan didn't sleep well at first, she turned over, waved her ears irritably, and muttered, "Don't make trouble!"

The voice kept ringing out one after another, Yan Huan gradually fell asleep, she couldn't hear the voice in her dream, it kept ringing for a long time, and finally stopped.


The monster dragon chased her in the dream, and she ran in the dream all night. When she woke up, her back was wet and her body was weak, as if she had fought for three hundred rounds.

"Father, Queen Mother, good morning."

Yan Huan greeted him weakly, the two dark circles under his eyes were very obvious.

The king was eating breakfast, slowly cutting the steak with a knife, with a cold face, without any concern, "Did an assassin break into your room last night?"

Yan Huan took a sip of the corn soup and hummed obediently.

"Have you seen what it looks like?"

Yan Huan weakly shook his head.

The king finally looked up at her, his dark gray pupils were indifferent, and he turned to talk to the queen.

"The scar on the collarbone has to be given to her, otherwise the prince of Nata won't want her."

Yan Huan ate the bread silently without speaking.

Here, the meaning of women's existence is only two points, to vent their desires for men and reproduce offspring.

Scars on your body are considered unclean, even if you are a princess, you are also despised by others.

Like the surrounding countries, the country of Islan was once ruled by blond and blue-eyed people. Later, the Central Plains people successfully invaded and changed the dynasty, and the Central Plains people became the masters of this country.

Although she also has blond hair and blue eyes, but following the ancestral system, she still has to follow the Chinese surname, so the name is Jiang Xiancheng, not Mary or Anna.

The surrounding countries are all blond and blue-eyed people with strong physiques and fierce battles. They look down on the Central Plains people in Aislan, so her father and king just went to borrow troops, and quickly gave Yan Huan to the prince of Nata Kingdom. please.

This is why the king only cares about whether she will have a scar, not whether her wound is serious or not.

Not to mention stuffing her daughter, even if the Nata Kingdom wants a queen, her father and king will also stuff it.

In this day and age, women are meant to be used.

(End of this chapter)

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