Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 952 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 952 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (42)

[Add more for Yan Wan~]

How does it feel that after narrowly escaping from the sea of ​​fire, she seems to have discovered a new way to open Baili's promise?

Shouyue picked up a wet handkerchief and wiped the black ash on her face, his words were not accusatory, but pure doubts.

"The side study room has been abandoned for a long time, why did you go there?"

Yan Huan pouted aggrievedly, she was also very confused.

"The maid next to the queen told me that the tiara for the wedding has been painted and let me choose it. She said that the painter is waiting for me in the side study."

Who knew that the painter didn't wait, but the crazy woman.

She was terrified, now when she thought of the woman crawling out of the hole, she felt a chill down her spine and her hair stood on end!

Shouyue's face darkened, he pursed his lips coldly, a little dark and scary.

The maids around the queen are usually her confidantes who have been with the queen for a long time, and they all grew up watching Jiang Xiancheng. They are all loyal people, otherwise Jiang Xiancheng would not have believed her words so easily.

How could the people around the queen unite with others to plan to kill their own princess?

Shou Yue got up, opened the door and whispered to the knight outside, "Bring all the maids around the queen, and all the painters, to the hall."

He estimated the time, and with Akers and the others' abilities, there was at most an hour before they would catch the woman.

It just so happens that the king and queen are coming back from the barracks soon, and it is best to settle this matter tonight, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

Yan Huan suddenly thought of something, and grabbed Baili Shouyue's arm, "Are you going to report this to the king?"

Keeping the contract said as a matter of course, "Of course, the Cavaliers are loyal to the king."

How could such an important event be hidden from the king?

There was some hesitation in Yan Huan's eyes.

That woman is the illegitimate daughter of the queen mother and someone else, and the father certainly doesn't know about it.

Now if this matter is reported to the father, the father only needs to look at the woman's appearance to know that the woman is the cuckold product of the queen and other men!

Not to mention that the illegitimate daughter will definitely be executed, her mother and queen who committed adultery with other men will definitely be executed as well.

Yan Huan was very confused.

That woman is indeed quite pitiful. It is normal for her mind to be distorted and gloomy after so many years of hiding in a dark secret passage.

Since she was a princess and not a prince since she was a child, her father ignored her and didn't discipline her very much. It was the queen who took good care of her and treated her like a treasure in the palm of her hand.

Although it was indeed wrong for her to cuckold her father, she really couldn't bear to watch her mother be executed.

However, Baili's keeping the contract has always been a matter of business, and he never shows favor outside the law.

Their cavaliers are only loyal to the king alone, protecting the king alone, and protecting her, the princess, is only an incidental responsibility.

I don't know that Baili Shoudate will not agree to her request.

Yan Huan sighed, looked at Baili Shouyi, and asked tentatively, "Can you not... tell the king about this?"

Observing the contract was puzzled, "Why?"

Yan Huan was unable to support his forehead.

She finally understood why she was so keen on cuckolding Prince Nata and the strange dragon.

Inherited!Definitely genetic!

"Oh, I never expected that my mother's queen would put a cuckold on my father's king. Do you know that the crazy woman who wants to kill me is the illegitimate daughter of my mother's queen and another man!"

(End of this chapter)

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