Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 953 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 953 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (43)

[Add more for Yan Wan~]

Unexpectedly, Baili Shouyue agreed to her request before she was soft-spoken and used her nirvana to act like a baby.

Baili Shouyue didn't tell the king what happened, but said that the side study was caught on fire because of improper cleaning by the maid, and the princess happened to be waiting for the painter there, so she was almost burned to death.

Her father was busy training the recruits of Nata Kingdom in the military camp, so he had no time to care about Yan Huan, all he needed to know was that she was not dead or injured.

Baili's calculation was correct, Aix and the others captured the woman that night.

It is unbelievable that the woman dug seven or eight intricate secret passages underground in the castle, some leading to the queen's room, some to Yanhuan's room, some to the side study on the third floor, and the forest outside the castle. of.

That woman has literally dug a small castle underground for so many years!
Obviously there is a secret passage leading to the woods, as long as the woman runs into the woods, by the time they find the secret passage, she will have already run away.

But she hid in the secret passage and didn't want to escape. She was easily caught by Aix and is now locked in the dungeon.

The king didn't know about this matter, so the queen had to know, otherwise he didn't know what to do with this woman.

Assassinated the princess, and assassinated twice, she must be executed, but this woman is the illegitimate daughter of the queen mother, her half-sister, which is tricky.

Although there were 1 reluctances in his heart, and he didn't want to go to the queen, Ke Yanhuan still shuffled towards the queen's room.

The maids who served the queen were all locked up in the dungeon for interrogation and interrogation. When the queen came back and found that everyone around her was gone, she probably realized what had happened.

Paper can never contain fire, and now so many people in the Cavaliers know the existence of that woman, and the fact that she is the queen's illegitimate daughter will be discovered by the king sooner or later.

Yan Huan sighed heavily.

I don't know if this is the mystery of her own life experience in the hidden mission.

Yan Huan was standing at the door of the queen's room. In the past, she didn't even say hello, she just pushed the door and walked in, but now, her legs seemed to be stuck in place, and she couldn't take that step no matter what.

She gritted her teeth, and knocked on the queen's door, and tentatively called, "Mother queen?"

"come in."

The queen's voice was as slow and gentle as ever, and Yan Huan felt even more guilty.

Why does such an embarrassing thing happen to her every time?
She pushed open the door and looked in the direction of the bed. The curtain was drawn up, but there was no one on the bed.

Yan Huan looked around the room wonderingly. In the darkness, there was no oil lamp in the room. It was completely dark. The queen was sitting on the sofa, motionless like a sculpture.

Yan Huan smiled mischievously, "Mother, you haven't slept yet?"

The queen curled her lower lip in the dark, and asked directly, "You almost died in the sea of ​​fire today? Did you get hurt?"

Although her tone was gentle, she didn't seem to care much, more of an absent-minded trance.

Yan Huan nodded, "Well... But fortunately, he was not injured, only a few drops of oil were splashed on his arm, and the skin was scalded. The wizard has already seen it."

The queen sighed softly and did not speak for a long time, Yan Huan silently sat on the sofa with her.

I don't know how long it took, Yan Huan was so tired that he was about to doze off with his head propped up, and the queen said, "Did you already know?"

(End of this chapter)

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