Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 963 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 963 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (53)

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Yan Huan felt that she was stepping on the clouds, her whole body was floating, and she was in a daze in her dreams.

She fell asleep until noon, her neck was so sore from her prone position, she regained consciousness, Shou Yue held her hand, and had been guarding her all night.

Yan Huan opened his sleepy eyes, and saw Shou promise by the bed. His eyes were tired, and he was pleasantly surprised, "You're awake! What else is uncomfortable? Is your body still in pain?"

Yan Huan was confused for a moment.

It took her a while to remember that yesterday she was in pain all over her body, and the severe pain in her back seemed to tear her whole body apart!

She had never experienced such heart-piercing pain in her life.

"There is no discomfort, and there is no pain in the body, but the whole body is weak, and the neck is a little sore."

Yan Huan raised his head and turned his neck, his knuckles made a clicking sound.

The worry in Shou Yue's eyes didn't decrease, on the contrary, he seemed to be more worried.


Yan Huan took his hand and said in an apologetic tone, "I must have scared you last night, I'm fine now."

Shouyue pursed his lower lip, his dark eyes were hard to say, he looked behind Yan Huan, and said slowly.

"On your back, a pair of wings grew out, exactly the same wings as that monster dragon."

Yan Huan was taken aback.

wing?what wings

She raised her hand suspiciously and touched her back. The tentacles were smooth as satin wings.

She herself could feel that the wings on her back had just been touched by her hand, and she was conscious.

Yan Huan sat up in shock!
"My wings, when did these wings grow? Was it last night?!"

She fainted from the pain last night, and really didn't know what happened afterwards.

"It broke out from behind your back last night."

Last night, she really felt extra pain in her collarbone and back, and her whole body was so hot that she thought she was going to die.

As a result, a pair of wings grew from the back? !
But she is human!

How could she grow the same wings as that monster dragon? !
Yes, it must be the magic that the monster dragon crossed for her, and he tampered with it!

She knew that the dragon would not be so kind!That monster dragon just wanted to turn her into a monster like him!

It's disgusting! ! !

Yan Huan's teeth were itching, she reached out and touched the wings behind her back, which were tightly connected with the butterfly bones on her back.

Just pulling it lightly can feel pain.

The huge wings made her body more slender and weak, and tightly bound her in the shackles.

Yan Huan shrank back, how could she see people like this in the future? !
If the king knows that she has become a monster like a dragon, he will definitely put her to death!
She was like grabbing the last straw, grabbing the arm of keeping the promise!

"Keep the promise! Please help me cut off the wings behind me!"

Shou Yue shook his head with a solemn expression.

It's not that he didn't think about cutting off the pair of wings.

But the pair of wings were connected to his butterfly bone, if she cut off rashly, she would definitely lose blood and die.

Besides, to perform such a major operation, all the wizards in the castle are needed. He had already greeted the wizard last night and told her not to tell the story, but there will be so many wizards performing surgery on Jiang Xiancheng, who can control it? Keep everyone's mouth shut?

The matter would surely be revealed, and she would still have to be executed.

(End of this chapter)

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