Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 964 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand

Chapter 964 After staying with the devil for a long time, you will understand (54)

[Add more for Nan~]

Baili Shouyan held Yan Huan's hand, his eyes were firm, "Jiang Xiancheng, let me take you away!"

If she stays here, sooner or later she will be found abnormal and executed by the king!

From a high and beloved little princess, she suddenly became a monster despised by everyone, how could he have the heart to let Jiang Xiancheng suffer the pain of falling from the clouds into the abyss?
He held Yan Huan's hand and said it again, "Jiang Xiancheng, I'll take you away to a place where there are only the two of us, and no one will know that you have dragon wings."

"But now I'm a monster..."

Yan Huan shrank back on the bed.

Her eyes were fragile and pitiful, full of inferiority and sadness.

A human with dragon wings, what is she not a monster?
Now she has become the same as the strange dragon, and the strange dragon can come to her through the mark at any time.

If she leaves with Shou Yue and is discovered by that monster...

She remembered what the dragon had threatened her before.

If the woman identified by the Dragon Clan is found together with other men, both of them will be chained to the cliff of Duantou, and will be turned into mummified corpses by the wind and sun.

She can't let keeping the promise be in danger, not even the slightest possibility!
"You are not a monster, Jiang Xiancheng."

Shouyue held his hand tightly, his eyes were serious, "Even if you become a dragon, you are still the one I believe in. I like you, so I want to be with you."

Yan Huan shook his head, "No, no, no."

She hugged her knees to cover her face, and now she felt agitated and at a loss.

She can't leave with Shou Yue, and she can't harm him.

There must be another way, it really doesn't work...

Yes, she can ask the system!

The system must have a solution!
"You didn't sleep all night last night, go back and rest now, I want to be alone..."

Yan Huan pulled off the velvet quilt, and wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, her voice muffled.

Shouyue knew that she wanted to be alone now, and she definitely couldn't accept that she had grown these weird wings for a while.

He took Yan Huan's hand, put it to his lips and kissed it.

"I'll be watching you outside, you can call me if you have anything to do, don't think about it, no matter what you become, I like you, I just like you."

The door is closed.

Yan Huan sighed, scratched his hair, and immediately called out the system.

"System system!"

[Does the player need help? 】

"I just want to ask you, how can I get rid of my wings?"

The mechanical voice of the system answered coldly.

[Why do you want to get rid of it?This pair of wings can give you the ability of the dragon, and make it easier for you to conquer this plane]

more relaxed? !
Yan Huan shook his head in disbelief.

How could it be so easy, how much trouble this pair of wings would cause her!

The system is simply talking nonsense!

Now it is an obstacle, turning her into a different kind, turning her into a catastrophe, so that she may be dragged out by the king to be executed at any time!

"I don't want these wings, I don't want to be like that dragon, I want to be a normal human!"

The system is silent for a while.

[Now the wings are not activated by magic, when the magic on your body adapts to your body, you can use your own magic like that dragon, and you can also use your own wings with ease]

But she became like that strange dragon, didn't that strange dragon have more reason to marry her?They are the same kind!
No, no!
This wing, she must get rid of it!
(End of this chapter)

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