Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 991 I have confirmed the eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to [Zhao Yun]

Chapter 991 I have confirmed the eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to [Zhao Yun]

【Emotional memory is being withdrawn...】

[Congratulations to the player for completing the main mission!Congratulations to the player for completing the hidden mission! 】

[Congratulations to the player for successfully conquering Plane 15, reward diamonds x 200! 】

[Congratulations to the player for triggering a random plane! 】

"What is the random plane?"

Yan Huan had a headache.

She discovered that the system she was bound to had many tricks.

At first glance, it is not a serious system!
[Random Plane: The main task of the player is no longer to complete the true love value of 100 with the Raiders, but a task randomly generated from the system database, and assists cannot participate]

isn't it?
Compared to the weird tasks given by the system, she would rather have a true love value of 100, after all, this seems... a little simpler.

"Can I skip the random plane and attack the next plane directly?"


Yan Huan:. . .

"Can I get an assist? Give Meng Qi back to me!"


"Can you..."

[Transmission starts! 】


Consciousness restored.

It was a dazzling bright red.

The roof of the sedan chair embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water is brand new and bright, the sedan chair is rickety, the sound of gongs and drums outside is very lively, the voices of people are full of people, it is chaotic and noisy, and it is hard to hear what they are saying.

Yan Huan wiped the saliva that dripped from the corner of his mouth when he just slept.

She held a red hijab in her right hand, and a half-gnawed apple in her left hand, with a bit of her lip balm on the edge, which was bright red.

According to visual inspection, she is now... the bride who is about to get married.

It's just that the original owner's heart is really big enough. Other brides are nervous about getting married and dare not move, but she is fine, she took off the red hijab and gnawed apples here?

I don't know who to marry.

The car curtain was suddenly thrown open, Yan Huan was gnawing on an apple, and the face of the little maid staring at her turned green.


Yan Huan laughed dryly, "I'm sorry, I'm so hungry..."

The little servant girl puffed her mouth and took out another round apple and stuffed it to her, babbling.

"Miss, this is the last one. You have eaten four of them. You really can't eat any more of this. Otherwise, what will you do when you get off the sedan chair?"

Yan Huan laughed dryly again, and returned the half-eaten apple to her.

It seems that the original owner's heart is not big, but very big!
Eat four apples in a row?
She didn't feel that she was going to get married at all, did she?
Under the gaze of the little maid, Yan Huan obediently put on the red hijab and sat upright, holding the apple in his hand without moving.


[Data loading, please wait...]

Yan Huan:. . .

The sedan chair stopped.

"Kick the car door!"

The emcee's voice was high, and the noise from the crowd outside was even louder. Yan Huan sitting in the sedan chair didn't understand why.

After a while, no one came to kick the sedan door.

Is the groom she is going to marry a disabled person without legs?

Yan Huan was about to lift the red hijab to take a peek outside, when the car door suddenly opened, and a deep man's voice sounded not far away.

"Come out."

Yan Huan:? ? ?

Why is this tone, this attitude, as if calling a thief hiding in the dark to come out?

There was a merciless mocking sound from all around, but the man still stood there motionless.Yan Huan clenched his fists in his sleeves angrily.

What's wrong with this man!

Do you understand basic respect and courtesy?

Regardless of whether you are a Raiders character or not, anyway, you made your father angry.

let me out?

I still can't get out!


[520 who has no one to confess to Damengzi, draw red envelopes of love from the book review area and reward area today~]

 [Scheduled at 5:20]

  [I love you~ Those who have no date today can come to participate in the event. Those who show affection with Ji (Ji) You, those who confess their secret love, the male god who complains about chasing, or confess to Damengzi (loud bb), all have the chance to be given away by lottery Red envelope of love~]

  [By the way, I wish myself and the male ticket a happy [-]th anniversary ~ I have been with this straightforward man for four years (wiping away tears)]

(End of this chapter)

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