Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 992 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 992 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (2)

This is probably the most stalemate, the most embarrassing and the most interesting wedding in Chen Anguo's history.

The groom's official was reluctant to take the bride out of the sedan chair for a long time, and the bride was still sitting in the sedan chair for a long time.

cold war.

Finally the groom couldn't bear it anymore.

"Lin Mu!"

[The Raiders have appeared! 】

[Strategy character: Zhao Yun
Main task: Open branches and leaves for the Zhao family

Hidden mission: The wealth you own ranks among the top three in the capital]

Yan Huan:. . .

She knew that the task of the random plane was stupid.

Branches and leaves?
What the hell? !
Is she here to make a fertility tool? !

And the wealth he owns ranks among the top three in the capital...

big brother!This is a love strategy, not becoming the CEO, becoming the richest man and reaching the pinnacle of life!
System, tell me, did you take the wrong script? !


[It is not necessary for the player to participate in person to open branches and leaves]

"What do you mean?"

[As long as Zhao Yun has a queen, it doesn't matter whether he was born as a player or not]

Depend on!
You said it earlier!

Looking at Zhao Yun's virtue, let alone having a child for him, she wants to beat the child's father to death!
[Does the player accept the information of this world? 】


Lin Mu, the first daughter of Prime Minister Lin's family.

Zhao Yun, the younger brother of the Emperor of Chen'an Kingdom, he is the emperor's right-hand man and the general who protects the country of Chen'an Kingdom.

This Ms. Lin is madly obsessed with Zhao Yun, and is Zhao Yun's number one brain fan. If she is in modern times, she is the president of Zhao Yun's support club in Beijing.

Prime Minister Lin was the same as Zhao Yun, with one piece of literature and one military force, and they were all the trustworthy ministers of the emperor, so Ms. Lin went out the back door, crying and making noise at home, and if she was not allowed to marry Zhao Yun, she would jump into the river and throw herself into the lake, hang herself on the wall, take poison and go on a hunger strike... …

There was a lot of trouble in the capital, the emperor saw that Zhao Yun didn't marry a wife, and Miss Lin didn't have a marriage contract, so it was better to just match the two and tie the knot.

Zhao Yun is 27 this year and has never married a wife. There are several concubine houses bestowed by the emperor.

And this Miss Lin...

She is the number one ugly girl in the capital.

That's right, it's an ugly girl, not just an ordinary ugly girl.

The ugly ones are heinous, the ugly ones make the scalp numb, and the ugly ones make people vomit and diarrhea.

The emperor thought, since Zhao Yun doesn't like beautiful women, maybe...he has a unique taste and likes ugly women?
It's a good thing that Zhao Yun and Zhao Yun didn't brush up the true love value of 100, otherwise Zhao Yun would probably spit out the last night's meal in her face.

【Attention please! 】

The system kindly reminds you.

[Everyone in Chen'an Country has anti-female aesthetics]

"What do you mean, aesthetics are reversed?"

[Normal aesthetics thinks beautiful, they think ugly, normal aesthetics thinks ugly, they think beautiful]

Yan Huan:! ! !

So although she is a well-known ugly girl, she is actually a beautiful woman, but it's just that these people have aesthetic problems? !
[It is normal to have two aesthetics in this country, the player and the raider]


She finally understood that Zhao Yun had so many concubines who were as beautiful as flowers, but he had never set foot in the door of others, why he guarded himself like a jade and remained an older virgin for so many years.

It turned out that the women given to him were all...

Sympathize with him.

"Lin Mu!"

A cold reprimand.

Even the bright red color of Xifu could not ease Zhao Yun's gloomy complexion. His body was stern, his face was stern and majestic, his eyes were piercing with cold stars, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and his whole body was so cold that everyone around him fell silent in fear.

Chen Anguo's cold-faced killing god.

For the first time, the people saw his wrath.

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  【Bosses, I love you! ! ! 520's careful heart has been delivered]

(End of this chapter)

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