Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 993 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 993 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (3)

The woman in the sedan chair got off the sedan chair slowly, lazily as if she was just waking up, and she didn't feel aggrieved or angry at being underestimated or disrespected at all.

She raised her hand and yawned, and left a word of indifference, and if she was sorry, her attitude was not apologetic at all.

"Sorry, I just... fell asleep."

There was an uproar around!

She actually fell asleep in the sedan chair on the wedding day, did she forget that Zhao Yun was the one she was going to marry? !
Yan Huan held up her wedding dress, her red hijab blocked her view, she lowered her head and looked at the road under her feet seriously, ignored Zhao Yun, and entered the mansion by herself.

Show me face?
Let you see what is called complexion.

Onlookers:? ? ?

Zhao Yun:! ! !

Why does Miss Lin have such a temper?
At the beginning, she wanted to marry Zhao Yun, so why is she still putting on a face now?

Zhao Yun watched in disbelief as Yan Huan swaggered into the mansion alone. What's worse, she didn't take the hundred sons and thousand grandsons bottle handed over by the servants, and she didn't step over the brazier, but...

Directly bypassed everyone and everything, went directly to the main hall, waiting for worship.

The faces of Prime Minister Lin and Mrs. Lin turned dark.

Zhao Yun didn't want to marry Lin Mu in the first place, but it was Lin Mu himself who made such a big fuss, there was no other way, the emperor issued an imperial decree to force Zhao Yun to marry her, no one would be happy about it.

Zhao Yun is still the general who protects the country. If he shows you face, it’s okay. You, a woman, show face to your future husband. Is that okay? !

"Lin Mu!!!"

Zhao Yun gritted his teeth, if she wasn't a woman, he would have thrown her out of the Zhao Mansion long ago!
"Lin Mu, you..."

Before he could speak, Yan Huan turned his head in his direction, spread his hands helplessly, and interrupted him, "General, are you a repeater? Except for the word Lin Mu, I haven't heard you say anything else."

She thought about it, forget it, this ancient man didn't know what a repeater was, so he couldn't understand it.

Although Zhao Yun didn't understand, he could still hear the contempt and sarcasm in her words.

He grew up so big, no matter whether it was in court or on the battlefield, even in ordinary life, no one dared to speak to him in such a tone!

Well, this Lin Mu is very good.

Not only did he use tricks to get his brother to order her to marry her, but he also embarrassed him in public? !

"Where's the master of ceremonies? Hurry up and go through the process. Didn't you see that the general doesn't want to marry me? Why don't you hurry up and help the prince end this painful experience?"

She deliberately slowed down her voice, her caring tone, but it still sounded the same...

Zhao Yun clenched his fists, his face was gloomy, his eyes were cold and stern, the master of ceremonies lowered his head and stammered loudly.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

Zhao Yun turned around stiffly, bowed outward reluctantly.

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

Both Zhao Yun's parents have passed away, and only Lin Mu's parents are here today.

The oppressive aura around him made one's heart tremble, and Prime Minister Lin and Mrs. Lin almost couldn't hold back, and knelt down to Zhao Yun.

"Bye husband and wife!"

The two bowed to each other, almost at the same time snorting disdainfully from their noses.

"Send, send to the bridal chamber!"

The master of ceremonies wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's over, it's finally over.

Hurry up and go to the bridal chamber!

Don't destroy the fragile hearts of innocent people like them!

Yan Huan lifted the hem of her skirt, and left without a hand to help the maidservants. She was so heroic and handsome that it made people's nose bleed!

She felt that the way she entered and the way she exited was fraudulent.

However, the master of ceremonies yelled at her back!

"Ma'am, that's the way to the woodshed!"

 Thank you [Meng Chunqiu i] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks Gouzi Mo Baibai for rewarding 2997 book coins~

  Thank you for rewarding 100 book coins through the ages~

  Thank you Meiqian Rushui for rewarding 300 book coins~

  Thank you for suffering and rewarding 500 book coins~

  Thank you Yun Hua [Big Attack] 150000 Book Coin Award! ! !

  [Wow, they are all bosses!I'm so new, I'm afraid! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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