Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 994 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 994 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (4)

Of course, the bridal chamber will not be that simple.

During the day, she showed Zhao Yun's face and made him lose face so much. At night...

There is vengeance for vengeance, there is vengeance for vengeance.

She doesn't want to have sex with this man who has no quality and no manners!

Not good looking!

If it was placed on a normal plane, she would need to brush 100 true love points with him, but she was still reluctant to let him hate her, but now...

The turned serf sings, she can do whatever she wants!

She is Prime Minister Lin's concubine's daughter, and she is the wife that the emperor personally decreed to give her. She embarrasses Zhao Yun, as long as it is not too much, he can't do anything to him.

But right now, I still have to think about it. Is there any way to pass the night peacefully without any exercise in bed.

It stands to reason that if Zhao Yun hates her so much, he would definitely not have sex with her, but this person's aesthetics is normal, and the concubines around him are so inexplicable, who knows if he will see his face that looks more like a fairy? Can't hold it? !

Tsk, man...

"Miss, put your hijab on quickly. The banquet ahead is about to end. The general will be angry when he comes back and sees you taking off your hijab!"

Xu Ying was her personal servant girl, the one who stuffed her with apples by the sedan chair.

The little maid is loyal and kind, but she chatters a lot.

"Miss, you can't sit with your legs up like this. If the general sees it, he will definitely say that you are not well-mannered and educated enough."

Yan Huan put down his legs helplessly.

"Miss, the general will come in later to pick up the hijab, you can't show the general's face anymore, remember to smile, smile happily, laugh happily, and..."

Yan Huan raised his forehead, "You should go out and watch. When Zhao Yun comes back, you can tell me."

Vu Ying nodded solemnly, and was about to go out, when she turned her head and gave another order.

"Miss, remember to change the name to Husband, you can't call the general by his name directly."

Yan Huan:. . .

Without Xu Ying chattering beside her, she could finally think about how to fool her tonight.

There were dozens of tables in the banquet ahead, and Zhao Yun toasted and drank in turns. No matter how good his drinking capacity was, he couldn't resist such a heavy drinking.

He must be drunk.

If you're drunk, it's fine.

She lifted her hijab and looked around the room, but couldn't find a weapon in her hand.

Tonight is the wedding night. For the sake of auspiciousness, there are no sharp or dull objects. The candles on the lamp holders are not fixed with copper sticks, but tied to the lamp holders with gold wires.

The candle on the wedding night was very thick, about as strong as her arm, Yan Huan rolled up his sleeves, pulled the gold thread, blew out a red candle, picked it up and weighed it in his hand.

Well, that's it.

She waited for a while, the noise in the front yard became smaller and smaller, she was so sleepy that she was about to doze off, and finally heard the sound of greetings from the door.

"The servant has seen the general!"

Yan Huan tightened his grip on the red candle in his hand, hid behind the door, held his breath, and remained motionless.

The door opened, and the smell of alcohol on the man's body came over his face, Yan Huan raised his hand and gave Zhao Yun's neck a hard blow!

The red candle in his hand broke in two, and the drunk Zhao Yun fell to the ground.


Su Ying, who followed in, almost cried out in fright, but Yan Huan covered her mouth!
"Don't call!"

Wu Ying nodded bitterly, her voice trembling, "Miss, hit, hit the general, but you will be beheaded!"

Yan Huan blinked innocently, "Who said I hit him? He fell to the ground after drinking too much himself."

 [Sister Yun, I told you not to explore the grass, you will be overshadowed]

  [Good night everyone ~ 520 is over, 521 still loves you, I love you ~ love ~ love ~ endless ~]

  【The results of the lottery will be announced tomorrow, so please~】

(End of this chapter)

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