Chapter 1002
No one questioned Zhang Tianhao's words, because it was exactly what he said.If he wanted to kill someone, he really didn't need to rely on this method.

"In that case, then I... leave... You can take care of yourself..."

After Zhang Tianhao finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"Brother Zhang! I'm sorry..." Gu Zijie murmured to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao sighed and said, "You choose the path yourself, it's up to you."

After speaking, Zhang Tianhao flew away.

Gu Zijie looked at Zhang Tianhao's leaving figure, feeling a little lost.He murmured, "I don't know why, but I always feel like I've done something wrong?"

Zhang Tianhao walked into a corridor.He found a secret room in front of him, and immediately stepped forward and entered that secret room.In the secret room, there is a box.Zhang Tianhao immediately opened the box.I found several bottles of pills inside.Open it and use identification.

Infuriating Dan!Marrow washing pill!Fusion Dan!
These pills are quite good, even if they can't use them.But in the future, you can still use it to build your own forces.Zhang Tianhao unceremoniously swept all these pills into one.Just as Zhang Tianhao came out, he found more than [-] young people walking towards him.

"Brother Hu, someone has come out over there." A young man said to the leading young man in white.

Seeing these young people, Zhang Tianhao turned around and left.But unexpectedly, those young people surrounded Zhang Tianhao all at once.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the group of young people without changing his face.

The young man in white at the head looked at Zhang Tianhao and said coldly: "Boy, I'll give you a chance to hand over all the treasures you got, and I can let you go!"

"What if I say no?" Zhang Tianhao's eyes flashed a trace of coldness.

"No? Hehe, unfortunately, if you dare to say no, I will break all your limbs and chop them into sticks." The voice of the young man in white was somewhat cold.

"Hahaha..." Zhang Tianhao suddenly burst out laughing.

The young man in white looked at Zhang Tianhao and said with some displeasure, "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at your ignorance."

"Damn it... courting death... fuck me, it doesn't matter whether you live or die."

The young man in white shouted to his subordinates behind him, "Give it to me."

More than [-] young people rushed towards Zhang Tianhao together.


A bloody knife flashed out.Zhang Tianhao's blood sword was unsheathed.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

A series of saber lights rolled towards those young people like a big wave.

The speed of those young people was suffocated.

"No. 80 knife!"

The terrifying knife light crushed down with ruthless killing intent.Even Void shuddered under the terrifying saber energy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of the explosion resounded.

More than [-] young people were blown out and landed on the ground vomiting blood.

The young man in white looked a little surprised, and murmured, "How could it be so strong?"

"Now it's your turn, do you still want to break my limbs and cut me into a stick?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man in white and said coldly.

"Death to me!"

The young man in white slapped Zhang Tianhao with his palm.This palm made the surroundings go dark, and an invisible corrosive atmosphere emanated from this palm of his.

"Killing cross cut!"

Zhang Tianhao yelled and slashed down again.The blood cross collided fiercely with the opponent's palm in the void.Zhang Tianhao's blood cross instantly scattered the palm of the young man in white.


The eyes of the young man in white turned cold.A black spear was taken out.

"Invincible Flying Spear Slash!"

With a terrifying aura, the flying spear stabbed down at Zhang Tianhao's body.

The shadow of the spear was false and real, covering Zhang Tianhao's surroundings.

Zhang Tianhao frowned.Although this young man is not one of the top ten talents, his strength is also the peak Wu Zun, comparable to himself.It would be so difficult for him to kill even those who are not the top ten talents.Wouldn't it be even more hopeless for him to deal with the top ten Tianjiao level?

after thinking about it

Zhang Tianhao was immediately full of pride.Kill towards the young man in white.


The young man in white locked Zhang Tianhao with a spear and continued to assassinate him. In the next second, he lost his target.


The young man in white was taken aback.But he is worthy of being an experienced person, and he turned his head and stabbed out at the first time.

"Killing cross cut!"

Zhang Tianhao's expression was extremely solemn, and he slashed down with a knife.

The huge blood cross sword light contains endless power.It swept down towards the young man in white.


Zhang Tianhao's strength collided with the opponent.

The young man in white felt that his spear was instantly defeated, and the huge saber light collided with him.

"Bang!" A sound.

The young man in white let out a muffled snort, and flew upside down.


Zhang Tianhao chased after him like a shadow, and his endless killing intent locked on the young man in white.

The young man in white obviously felt the threat of death, and shouted at Zhang Tianhao: "You dare to kill me. The Xue family will never let you go."

Zhang Tianhao's expression was gloomy and cold, and he said, "Kill!"

Now that he has become an enemy, Zhang Tianhao will naturally not relent and kill without mercy.


Zhang Tianhao crushed him with a single blow.


Zhang Tianhao chopped off the head of the young man in white and flew into the sky.His eyes were wide open, with a look of reluctance to die.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Xue Bai, the experience value is 5000 million!" The system's notification sounded.

Listening to the experience points, Zhang Tianhao shook his head.He thought to himself: Sure enough, the system will deduct some experience points for warriors of the same level or weaker than him.But the experience value is okay.


Zhang Tianhao heard a voice in front of him, and felt as if some secret had been opened, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately used his body skills to rush over.

I saw a huge lake just ahead.It's just that a door opened on the opposite side of the lake.

Many people had gathered in front of the lake.

"What is this place?" Some warriors asked curiously.

"Look, the water in this lake is black, obviously it has a lot of toxins." A warrior said.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger. I think if I can enter the mysterious door opposite, there should be a huge opportunity." A warrior said eagerly.

"En!" All the martial artists around nodded, obviously agreeing with that idea.

Zhang Tianhao was also among the crowd, looking at the black liquid in the lake, his heart felt a little shaky.It can be seen that this black liquid has a huge corrosive power.Even if it is him, it will be in great danger if it is not done well.

Finally, a martial artist couldn't bear it and was the first to try.He used his body skills and swept over.The reason why it is described as looting instead of flying is because the cave is forbidden to fly, and it is impossible to fly.

(End of this chapter)

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