The strongest fury system

Chapter 1003 Fighting Tianjiao

Chapter 1003 Fighting Tianjiao

Therefore, in this case, warriors can only rely on their own body skills to cross the lake.

That martial artist dared to be the first to eat crabs, obviously his strength is not weak.His posture drew a graceful arc in the void, and kicked fiercely on a raised stone in the center of the lake.It swept up fiercely, and then swept towards the opposite side.

Then this martial artist is very proud, because the opposite door is close at hand.Just when all the warriors thought he could pass, even that warrior thought he could pass.Only Zhang Tianhao was keenly aware of a hint of danger.


Under the lake, a huge vortex is suddenly forming.Then a huge, crocodile-like monster opened its mouth wide and bit the warrior.

Don't look at that warrior's speed is very fast, but the speed of that monster is a bit faster than him.


The warrior was dragged into the water.Became the food of the monster.A pool of bright red blood welled up from the bottom of the lake.

All the warriors present were astonished.Feel the creeps.A life that was still alive just now has become food in the mouth of the water beast.

However, people die for money and birds die for food.Soon the second warrior started to try again.It just still fails.Once again, it was swallowed by the water beast.

Zhang Tianhao frowned.He tried to search the water with his spiritual sense, and now his brows could not help but wrinkled.Because he could feel that there was more than one water beast.The aura of each one is no less than that of late-stage profound beasts.That is to say, these mysterious beasts are warriors equivalent to the level of human warriors.That is.If you want to cross this lake, you must get rid of these water beasts.


At this moment, Zhang Tianhao heard a familiar voice.

"Little Dragon?"

Zhang Tianhao shouted.

"It's not Xiaolong, it's Xiaohei." Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed.

Since the last time he fell asleep, Xiao Hei has not woken up, and is awakening his blood.It can be said that every time Xiao Hei awakens his blood, he is slower than Xiao Long.In the beast race, there is a saying that the slower the bloodline is awakened, the higher the level of the bloodline.This can be seen from the side, Xiao Hei's bloodline is obviously higher than that of Xiaolong.Of course, the bloodlines of the two beasts will not be too far apart.

"Boss, leave those reptiles to me and Xiaolong!"

At some point, Xiao Hei appeared on Zhang Tianhao's shoulder.It seems that because it has stayed in Zhang Tianhao's battle pet space for many days, it rarely wants to come out to breathe.

"You have a way to deal with it?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiao Hei with a happy face.

Although Zhang Tianhao's strength is definitely not weak.But when flying over that lake, he had to deal with these water beasts at the same time, and even he felt a bit strenuous.

Xiao Hei smiled at Zhang Tianhao: "Hehe, boss, don't worry, just leave it to us. Xiao Hei, I have advanced to the late stage of Xuan Beast this time, and I have awakened a new ability."

Zhang Tianhao didn't ask the other party what new ability he had awakened, but he was looking forward to it.

At this moment, another group of young people came over.

"Ah, this is Yu Jinshan, ranked tenth among the top ten talents, and his strength is the peak Wu Zun."

One by one, the warriors gave way.He looked at Yu Jinshan in awe.

Beside Yu Jinshan is a coquettish young girl with a graceful figure and a charming temperament.Every man can't help being attracted to her.

The charming girl was very proud of her attractiveness.She likes the naked possessiveness of men looking at her, which makes her feel very attractive.However, soon, the charming girl discovered that the eyes of a young man looking at her were always very flat, as if she was just a ball of air.This made the charming girl feel a little uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the charming girl saw the slap-sized and cute Xiao Hei on Zhang Tianhao's shoulder.Immediately became cute.Girls like this kind of cute pets very much, and charming girls are no exception.He hurriedly embraced the young man beside him and said, "Brother Shan, that kitten is so cute!"

Yu Jinshan doted on the girl beside him very much, glanced at the little black on Zhang Tianhao's shoulder, and asked the girl with a smile: "Do you like it?"

"Hmm! I want to..." the charming girl said coquettishly.

"Okay, Brother Shan, I'll get you whatever you like." Yu Jinshan smiled at the girl.

After saying that, Yu Jinshan led a group of people and walked towards Zhang Tianhao's place.Seeing that Yu Jinshan and the others seemed to be targeting him, Zhang Tianhao frowned involuntarily.

"Boy, let's make a price for the pet on your shoulder!" Yu Jinshan said to Zhang Tianhao coldly.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and said lightly: "Not for sale!"

"Boy, it's your honor that Brother Shan has taken a fancy to your things. You don't know how to flatter you." A young man behind Yu Jinshan jumped out and said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao's expression became gloomy, and he said coldly: "I've already said that I won't sell it, are you really deaf?"

When Zhang Tianhao said this, his voice became more and more impatient.

"Boy, my woman is interested in your pet, please make a price! My patience is limited." Yu Jinshan's expression became a little gloomy.

"That's right, do you know who you're talking to? It's your blessing to see your pet." The charming girl stared fiercely at Zhang Tianhao and said.

"I'm talking to someone, why are you interrupting? You idiot!" Zhang Tianhao sneered as he looked at the charming girl.

"court death!"

The two young men shouted angrily, one on the left and one on the right, and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

These two youths are both high-ranking Martial Venerables.The strength is not weak.

"Empty cannon punch!"

"Sirius Fist!"

The fierce attacks blasted towards Zhang Tianhao's body together.


Zhang Tianhao's expression sank, and he quickly punched him.These two punches came later, and directly hit the bodies of the two young men.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Two terrible explosions sounded.Zhang Tianhao directly blasted the two youths away with two punches.He fell to the ground, vomited blood, and looked dispirited.

All the warriors around looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise, obviously they didn't expect that this seemingly unattractive warrior was not weak.But they looked at Zhang Tianhao with some sympathy.Because this time Zhang Tianhao provoked Yu Jinshan, one of the top ten talents of the White Dragon Empire.Although Yu Jinshan only ranked tenth among the top ten talents.But which one of the top ten talents is simple.

"Okay, very good, even if you dare to fight my people, you are quite courageous. Take my trick and see how confident you are to challenge me."

When the words fell, Yu Jinshan punched Zhang Tianhao and killed him.The punch has locked on Zhang Tianhao's body.

Zhang Tianhao's expression sank, and he felt that the opponent's punch carried terrible power, as if it would destroy everything, sweeping everything.

(End of this chapter)

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