The strongest fury system

Chapter 1021 The Gu family in distress

Chapter 1021 The Gu family in distress
Looking at Feng Qingwu's leaving figure.Zhang Tianhao shook his head, and thought to himself: This girl seems to practice too special a technique, and she is so indifferent.It's obviously a thank you, but it's as if I still have a grudge against you.

Zhang Tianhao sighed, and immediately swept towards the inside.Suddenly, there was a burst of noise ahead.

"Your Wu family village is too bullying, and our Gu family is not easy to provoke." A voice filled with righteous indignation sounded.

"If you bully others, so what if we bully others. Your Gu family... tsk tsk, you are just a small family in a remote place, and you have the nerve to come to Qinglong Cave Mansion. I am ashamed of you. Since you dare to come, you have to accept your fate. I know you I got a few bottles of eighth-level pills in front, hand them over quickly, my patience is limited." A cold voice sounded.

Zhang Tianhao was slightly taken aback, the voice of that person earlier sounded very familiar to him, it seemed to be Gu Zijie's voice.

Zhang Tianhao looked a little hesitant, although he parted ways with the Gu family.But after all, he came in with the Gu family, so it seemed a little bit unbearable to ignore him so completely.After all, before, no matter what, he and Gu Zijie were still friends.

"Lie down for me!"

A cold snort sounded.Accompanied by several screams.Obviously the two sides have played against each other.

Zhang Tianhao secretly made up his mind to help the Gu family one more time. If this is the case, his affection will be exhausted.In this way, he also understands the mind.

Zhang Tianhao used his body skills and rushed to the place.Twenty or so warriors surrounded the Gu family.The warriors of the Wu family are on average stronger than those of the Gu family.The strongest member of the Gu family is only at the peak of Wu Zun's initial stage.As for the members of the Wu family, the most powerful one is the high-ranking Wu Zun, and there is more than one.How could the Gu family not be suppressed like this.

"Hand over the treasures. Otherwise, I, Wu Xinghua, can't guarantee that I won't kill anyone." A warrior in green said with a gloomy expression.

The warriors of the Gu family were extremely humiliated at this moment.But they have no choice, their strength is not as good as human beings.

"I...I pay..."

Gu Zijie was extremely aggrieved.He regretted it very much at the moment, why did he listen to the words of the Gu family's children and let Zhang Tianhao go? With Zhang Tianhao's strength, if he was here at this moment, it would not be like this.Therefore, at this moment, Gu Zijie was deeply regretting, but in this world, there is no regret medicine.

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.This person is none other than Zhang Tianhao.

Hear this voice.The members of the Gu family felt very familiar, and subconsciously looked towards the place where the sound came from, and found that the person who suddenly appeared was Zhang Tianhao.

"Brother Zhang!"

Gu Zijie was both surprised and delighted.What was surprising was that Zhang Tianhao would appear here by such a coincidence.Fortunately, if Zhang Tianhao appeared, they probably wouldn't have to be so aggrieved.

Unlike Gu Zijie, the children of the Gu family were very complicated at the moment.After all, they drove people away together.Especially the three geniuses of the Gu family, Gu Tian, ​​Gu Haifeng, and Gu Jianwen.They were the culprits who drove Zhang Tianhao away, but at this moment, they felt somewhat regretful.

Originally, the three geniuses of the Gu family thought that they entered Qinglong Cave Mansion, even if they were not the strongest.But it won't be too bad.But after entering Qinglong Cave Mansion, they realized that they had been watching the sky from sitting in a well in the past.With their strength, they are almost at the bottom here.

I was lucky before, and won the top-grade eighth-rank elixir, which is a good harvest in Qinglong Cave Mansion.But it happened that this scene was discovered by the Wu family.

"It's me!" Zhang Tianhao said flatly.

A young man from the Wu family looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked coldly, "Who are you? Do you want to meddle in other people's business?"

"Meddling? Tsk tsk, you are wrong. I didn't want to be nosy. Hand over your storage rings." Zhang Tianhao said flatly.

"What do you mean?" Wu Xinghua was a little confused, and couldn't understand Zhang Tianhao's meaning for a while.

"Damn it, are you an idiot? Didn't you notice the robbery?" Zhang Tianhao scolded.

Only now did Wu Xinghua figure it out, this person Ganqing wanted to cheat on others.He suddenly laughed angrily, looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "I think you are crazy about money, right? Even people from our Wujiazhuang dare to snatch it."

"Destroy him for me."

Wu Xinghua shouted to the warriors in Wujiazhuang behind him.

Immediately, a group of warriors rushed towards Zhang Tianhao's place.

"Since you don't eat the toast and take the fine wine, then I will be blamed for being rude."

Zhang Tianhao didn't retreat but advanced, and punched out.

This punch hit a martial artist from the Wu family, and the martial artist from the Wu family was sent flying.Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianhao kicked his feet, and his whole body flew out like an arrow from the string.Sweep out with one punch.Draw ten fist shadows.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Ten punches exploded in the bodies of the Wu family's warriors.In an instant, the martial artist of the Wu family screamed, and his whole body was thrown out.

"Crack!" "Crack!" fell to the ground.

In less than a few breaths, all members of the Wu family fell to the ground.The people who took care of the family behind him didn't even realize that the battle was over.

"Boy, do you dare to report your name?" Wu Xinghua's expression was extremely gloomy.

"What, want to take revenge? I will not change my name or surname, Zhang Tianhao." Zhang Tianhao said with his hands behind his back.

"Very good, then you can go to die, remember who killed you, Wu Xinghua."


Wu Xinghua flashed out the treasured sword, and an invisible killing intent locked on Zhang Tianhao's body.


Wu Xinghua's words fell, and his whole body was like an arrow off the string, killing Zhang Tianhao.A knife slashed down towards his body.

This knife, like wind and clouds, is extremely fast.In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and punched him casually.

"Bang!"Zhang Tianhao shattered Wu Xinghua's fist light with one punch.

"Golden Sun Star Breaker Knife!"

This knife is extremely terrifying.Exudes a golden blade light.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, feeling that this knife was terrifying.It brought him extreme feelings.


Zhang Tianhao punched out without any tricks.With this punch, he used [-]% of his strength.Wherever the fist print passed, the air was blasted layer by layer.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.

Zhang Tianhao felt his fists were burning hot, and an endless knife intent came towards him.


Zhang Tianhao kicked his feet on the ground, and he retreated a dozen steps violently.Looking at Wu Xinghua, he frowned slightly and said, "The artistic conception of gold?"

Wu Xinghua looked at Zhang Tianhao, laughed loudly and said, "It's too late now."

(End of this chapter)

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