Chapter 1022
Wu Xinghua roared, and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao again.It was another stabbing attack.

"Hmph! If I don't show you how powerful you are, you'd think this young master was made of mud."

Zhang Tianhao's eyes narrowed.

"Heart-piercing Destruction Fist!"

Dzogchen's Heart-Piercing Destruction Fist burst out.This is just an ordinary heart-piercing and smashing fist, and it has not incorporated the artistic conception of nirility.But that's it, as a low-rank martial skill of the holy rank.The power of this Heart Piercing Destruction Fist is also extremely terrifying.


This punch carried extremely terrifying piercing power.Instantly crushed Wu Xinghua's sword glow.The Heart-Piercing Fist continued to strike, and Wu Xinghua was in front of him in the blink of an eye.


Wu Xinghua screamed, and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.He fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

"How is it possible, how is it possible... who are you?"

Wu Xinghua looked at Zhang Tianhao with an extremely incredible expression.It's like looking at an alien.

Zhang Tianhao slapped Wu Xinghua across the face, and said with a joking smile, "Didn't I tell you just now, my name is Zhang Tianhao, and at such a young age, could it be that he is dementia?"

Wu Xinghua was extremely surprised, and said, "How is it possible?"


Zhang Tianhao slapped Wuzhishan fan again, beating Wu Xinghua's entire face into a pig's head.He snorted coldly and said: "Don't change the subject for me, hand over the storage ring to me immediately, otherwise... die..."

Although Wu Xinghua's eyes were extremely resentful, but knowing that he was under the eaves at the moment, he had no choice but to take off his storage ring and hand it to Zhang Tianhao.

"Can we leave?" Wu Xinghua said to Zhang Tianhao in humiliation.

"get out!"

Since someone handed over something, Zhang Tianhao didn't take it too seriously.

Wu Xinghua left in embarrassment with others.

"My lord, is that all we're going to do?"

Behind Wu Xinghua, a young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked at him and asked a little aggrieved.


Wu Xinghua was in a fit of anger, and slapped the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

"Forget it, go and kill him for me?" Wu Xinghua said angrily.

The young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks fell silent for a moment.

"Hmph, I, Wu Xinghua, have never suffered such a big loss since I was a child. It is impossible to just let it go. Let's go and find my cousin. My cousin has been best with me since he was a child, and he will definitely help I took revenge." Wu Xinghua said in a cold voice.

After Wu Xinghua left, Zhang Tianhao took a look at his storage ring.Apart from a few exercises and some elixir, there was nothing too eye-catching for Zhang Tianhao.But talk is better than nothing.Zhang Tianhao glanced at Gu Zijie and the others indifferently, then turned around and left.

"Brother Zhang!"

Gu Zijie looked at Zhang Tianhao and shouted, his voice a little excited.

Zhang Tianhao stood still, turned around, looked at Gu Zijie and said lightly, "What's the matter?"

"Brother Zhang, I was wrong earlier. Can you forgive me?" Gu Zijie looked at Zhang Tianhao and begged.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Gu Zijie seriously and said: "As I said before, the road is chosen by people. Since you choose to let me go, if you say it, it will be water thrown out. You can do it yourself!"

After the words fell, Zhang Tianhao strode away.

Looking at Zhang Tianhao's leaving figure, Gu Zijie's heart felt empty.

"Wrong, I did something wrong earlier."

Most of the family members had disappointment and annoyance on their faces.

"What, did he think we couldn't survive here without him?" Gu Haifeng smiled disdainfully.

"To shut up!"

Gu Zijie looked at Gu Haifeng with extremely sharp eyes.Especially the children of the Gu family around looked at Gu Haifeng in the same way.

Gu Haifeng smiled resentfully and said, "What I said is the truth."

"It's all because of you. If it wasn't for you, Brother Zhang wouldn't have left. You're still talking sarcastic here. If you continue to be presumptuous, I will expel you from our Gu family team as the young master of the Gu family." Gu Zijie Looking at Gu Haifeng, he said coldly.

Gu Haifeng felt a chill in his heart, he could feel that when Gu Zijie said this, his voice was extremely firm, obviously he was not joking.

"I'll just say whatever I want."

Gu Haifeng secretly hated him, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous any more.After all, although Gu Zijie's cultivation is not as good as his, he is still the young master of the Gu family anyway.It's not easy to fight him hard.

After Zhang Tianhao left, he followed the small map and walked towards the remaining locations in the Qinglong Cave Mansion that he had never been to.While walking, Zhang Tianhao was watching his surroundings.I thought to myself: Is the mark that the old man Qinglong gave me reliable?Why, no ultimate inheritance has been sensed?
Suddenly, he sensed the aura of many warriors a hundred meters ahead.His heart skipped a beat: Is there any chance.

Zhang Tianhao rushed over immediately.Sure enough, there are hundreds of warriors occupying a large hall at the moment.And in front, there are five battle platforms.

A phantom floated in the void, it was the remnant soul of Emperor Qinglong.

"You are all predestined people. This place is called Tianchi. Tianchi is divided into five parts, that is to say, there are only five places." The remnant soul of Qinglong Emperor said lightly.

"Senior, what exactly is this Tianchi Lake, and what effect does it have on us?" A warrior asked respectfully to the remnant soul of the Azure Dragon Emperor.

"Good question, Tianchi contains the ten-thousand-year cold marrow that I once obtained. The ten-thousand-year cold marrow is the essence of heaven and earth energy gathered by ten-thousand-year ice in ten thousand years. It has the effect of increasing cultivation and quenching the body. The cold marrow is limited and only enough for five people, so among you, only five of you have this chance." said the remnant soul of the Azure Dragon Emperor.

"Then how do you compete for these five spots?"

The warriors present all had their eyes lit up at this moment.One of the warriors asked excitedly.

"Good question, I will randomly send you to five battle platforms, and you will fight each other until the last one left wins the quota for this time." Qinglong Emperor remnant soul said.

Zhang Tianhao nodded his head slightly when he heard this, and it was fair to do so.

"Okay, let's start now."

Suddenly, the warriors present felt a gentle force enveloping their bodies, and in the next second, they appeared on a battle platform.

Zhang Tianhao looked around and found himself on the fifth battle platform.The warriors around are hostile to each other.Especially the malicious eyes of several warriors fell on him.

Zhang Tianhao immediately understood, he knew that because he had performed the Breath Containing Art, the only cultivation he showed at this moment was Wu Zun's Fifth Heavenly Layer.If the strength is too weak at this moment, it will only become the first target of others.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao immediately displayed the cultivation base of Wu Zun Bazhongtian.

This cultivation base is not too high.Those whose cultivation level is too low will become the target of public criticism, and those whose cultivation level is too high will also become the target of siege, so Wu Zun Yachongtian is just right.

(End of this chapter)

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