The strongest fury system

Chapter 1089 5 Great Forces

Chapter 1089 Five Powers
"27 billion!" The son in the seventh box also started bidding.

"28 billion!" Zhang Tianhao continued to shout.

At this time, it seems that the spar is no longer a spar.The bidders in the auction house held their breath at the moment.are waiting for the final result.

This auction is so exciting.The guests at the scene also wanted to know who the night girl would end up with.

"Where is the person in the No. [-] box? The person in the No. [-] box is the eldest son of the Peng family, Peng Huayu. This is an ancestor who is not easy to mess with! The Peng family is one of the five major forces in Lingxi City. Peng Huayu is here There are not many people in Lingxi City who can afford it." A guest shook his head and said.

"It doesn't matter, I can't afford to mess with it, that's what it is. Anyway, let's just watch a good show." Another guest said that he didn't care too much.

Peng Huayu, who was in the No. [-] box, was also gnashing his teeth at this moment.The people in Box No. [-] are simply too hateful.

"Warning Your Excellency, I am the young master of the Peng family, Peng Huayu. I hope you will give me some thin noodles and give me this night girl. Otherwise, I will be against the Peng family." Peng Huayu's voice was strong. Strong threat.

"Hehe, threatening me?" Zhang Tianhao frowned.

If Peng Huayu discussed it with a good voice, Zhang Tianhao, who is soft but not hard, might think about it a little bit.But the other party threatened him like this, which made Zhang Tianhao unhappy.

"Who is Peng Huayu, I have never heard of it, why should I give you face?" Zhang Tianhao said disdainfully.


The faces of the guests at the scene were all very strange.There is someone who doesn't give Peng Huayu face so much.Of course, what Zhang Tianhao said was indeed true.He had just arrived in Lingxi City, and he really didn't know who Peng Huayu was.

Of course, if these words fell into Peng Huayu's ears, it was a serious provocation.


Peng Huayu stood up, and angrily swept the things on the table in the box to the ground.He roared angrily: "Okay, very good, you are the first one who dares to disrespect Peng Huayu like this."

Zhang Tianhao asked faintly to Zhang Xixi beside him: "Xixi, do you know where the Peng family is?"

Zhang Xixi smiled and said: "This Peng family is nothing special, it is one of the five great strengths in Lingxi City..."

"The five major forces in Lingxi City?"

Zhang Tianhao asked in confusion.

Zhang Xixi smiled slightly and said, "The five major forces in Lingxi City, the Peng family, the Li family, the Du family, the He family, and the City Lord's Mansion."

"What about the Shangguan family?"

Zhang Xixi smiled and said: "Of course there is the Shangguan family. In fact, Lingxi City is far more than the five major forces, but these five families are the five major forces that were born and bred. They are local snakes in the common saying. As a fifth-rank force, the Shangguan family is only here business, so the reputation on the surface is naturally not as good as these families. However, such a behemoth as the Shangguan family, these five major forces naturally dare not offend. However, in Lingxi City, not only the Shangguan family, but the other four The fifth-rank forces also have their own industries here. Even some families in Lingxi City are inextricably related to the five major forces. But because of this, mutual constraints have arisen here, so there is no such thing in Lingxi City. Any family can dominate."

Only then did Zhang Tianhao understand.It was indeed as Zhang Xixi said.In the place of Lingxi City.External forces check and balance each other, so the fifth-rank forces are relatively low-key here.

It seems that there is more responsibility here than I thought.

In the end, Zhang Tianhao bought the girl from the Night Clan with 30 billion spars.

The deacon of the auction house personally brought Zhang Tianhao and others to a room that belonged to him. In this room, all the slaves auctioned by Zhang Tianhao.

Dozens of slaves are either indifferent, timid, or resentful.Not one but.

After Zhang Tianhao handed over his crystal card to the staff of the slave auction house nearby to swipe the card, he completed the payment.A business worth billions of dollars is rare in this auction house.The people from the slave auction house even issued a high-end platinum card for Zhang Tianhao.The next time he comes to the slave auction house, he can directly enter the VIP box.And enjoy a [-]% discount.

Although Zhang Tianhao also felt that the possibility of him coming here next time might not be great.But if you don't take this crystal card, you don't take it for nothing.

"My lord, please explain the address. We will send all these slaves to the mansion within an hour." The staff member of the auction house said flatteringly to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, asking Li Gui to leave his address.

Zhang Tianhao had just walked out of the slave auction house with a group of people, when a dozen warriors came to meet him.Blocked Zhang Tianhao and others in the middle of the road.

"What's the matter with you?"

Zhang Tianhao frowned.

"What's the matter, hehe, you still dare to ask me what's the matter? You robbed me of my things, and you still don't pay attention to me, dare to ask me when?" The young master said with a sneer.

Only then did Zhang Tianhao realize that this young master might be the so-called eldest son of the Peng family, Peng Huayu.

"Hehe, that's interesting. You are poor. You blame others for robbing you. If so, why would you go to an auction house if you just robbed it?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Peng Huayu and said.

Peng Huayu immediately became angry, damn it, this man's words are really ugly.He is the eldest son of the Peng family who is a majestic member of the five major powers in Lingxi City, but he is said to be poor.It is tolerable or unbearable.

"Ah Wen, Ah go to me and kill this ignorant guy..." Peng Huayu said angrily.

Several warriors rushed towards Zhang Tianhao together.

These are all peak Martial Venerables, and their strength is not weak.

"court death!"

Lu Yunxuan made a move, a slap across the face, directly knocking down several warriors to the ground in an instant.

"Wu Sheng? It turns out that there is still a Wu Sheng among you, no wonder you dare to be so rampant..."

"But Martial Saint, I also have..."

"Yan Weiwei, it's your turn to kill these bastards..."

Peng Huayu ordered to a warrior in black standing beside him.

This black-clothed warrior is also a junior warrior, sent by his family to protect him.

"As ordered!"

The warrior in black unsheathed his sword and charged towards Lu Yunxuan.

"Good come!"

Lu Yunxuan was also delighted to see Lie.Since he came to the Emperor's Domain, he was often under the protection of Zhang Tianhao because of his lack of strength, so he didn't make a good move. Naturally, he would not miss this opportunity now.

The two fought fiercely.Sword light and sword shadow.It's hard to tell apart.

"Hehe, shall we go heads-up now?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Peng Huayu and asked with a half-smile.

Peng Huayu smiled sharply: "Why not, let me tell you, I am also a martial artist..."

As soon as the words fell, Peng Huayu's body erupted with the breath of a martial saint.

(End of this chapter)

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