The strongest fury system

Chapter 1090 Slave Contract

Chapter 1090 Slave Contract
Wu Sheng?

"Hmph!" Zhang Tianhao sneered.He didn't even know how many Wu Sheng died in his hands.

"Kid, die for me!"

Peng Huayu struck Zhang Tianhao with a palm.

With this palm, the shadow of the palm was turbulent, and wherever it passed, sand and rocks flew away.


Zhang Tianhao slapped it out with a palm.

This palm was so fast that Peng Huayu had no time to dodge it. With a sound of "Pa!", it slapped him on the cheek.


Peng Huayu screamed, and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..."

Peng Huayu bounced off the ground.The whole person exudes a terrible murderous aura.A black long knife appeared in Peng Huayu's hand.

"Death to me!"

A sharp sword light slashed towards Zhang Tianhao's body from the void like a mountain.

But in the next second, Zhang Tianhao avoided Peng Huayu's knife like a ghost.Disappeared without a trace.


Peng Huayu was shocked, he didn't see how Zhang Tianhao disappeared in front of him.

Zhang Tianhao's figure appeared behind Peng Huayu very strangely.He kicked down hard on Peng Huayu's fat buttocks.

"Flame chrysanthemum residue!"


Peng Huayu's complexion suddenly turned pale, and his entire trousers exploded.Terrible force exploded Peng Huayu's pants.Flames blazed up his buttocks.

Peng Huayu suddenly felt his chrysanthemum tighten, and he flew out like a rocket.

"Crack!"Peng Huayu was lying on the ground.A shrill scream came out.

The flame was burning violently on Peng Huayu's buttocks.Peng Huayu rolled on the ground in pain, trying to extinguish the flames on his pants.But the flame on Peng Huayu's pants was not an ordinary flame, he could not easily extinguish it.After this roll, Peng Huayu was very sad to find that the flames burned to the crotch in front of him.The raging fire was burning fiercely in Peng Huayu's crotch.

"Do not……"

Peng Huayu was out of his wits.He simply took off his pants.If you want this, let the flame on your crotch go out.But he never thought that Zhang Tianhao's flame could not only burn clothes, but even flesh.The burnt Peng Huayu was torn apart.

"Do not……"

Peng Huayu was even more shocked at this moment.

"Come and extinguish the flames on me..."

Peng Huayu shouted to several of his subordinates.

Several warriors of the Peng family saw their own family's young master like this, and hurried forward to rescue him.But the flame was so weird that it couldn't be extinguished for a while.

"For me, put out this fire with your true energy..." Peng Huayu was quick to wit.

Seeing the flames on their young master's crotch growing bigger and bigger, the warriors hurried forward and kicked Peng Huayu's crotch viciously.

"Bang" "Bang!"

Several younger brothers kicked Peng Huayu's crotch viciously.

Five or six peak Wuzun kicked fiercely on the weakest part of Peng Huayu's body, and the sound of sandbags sounded from time to time.

Zhang Tianhao, Song Sitian, Zhang Xixi and others were also dumbfounded.Especially when Zhang Tianhao saw this scene, his expression became even more strange.

Damn, why does this scene look so familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere before,
"Let's go!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhao's interest weakened.He greeted everyone around him.

After Zhang Tianhao and others left.The flame on Peng Huayu's crotch was extinguished.It's just that the pain is simply unbearable.

And after the flames burned, the thing on Peng Huayu's crotch was also scorched at this moment.A dark one...

"Look, what's wrong with me...what's wrong with me..." Peng Huayu was terrified.

"My lord, you're all confused. Let's forget it... cut it off..."

"Ah... boy, if you let me know who you are, I will definitely tear you into pieces..." Peng Huayu screamed.

Zhang Tianhao was a group of people, not long after returning to the house, the people from the slave farm brought over all the slaves Zhang Tianhao had bought.

"I know that you have opinions on me. You feel that I spent money to buy you to enslave you. But this is not my character. I brought you back to treat you as my brothers and sisters, as my own people. Of course, you may think that what I said is casual, and it is impossible at all. These words are empty words, but I will use actual actions to prove my words. "

"Li Guang!"

Zhang Tianhao shouted to Li Guang beside him.

Li Guang came up with a plate.On that plate were stacks of slave indentures.This slave contract is the oldest contract in the world.As long as a martial artist is signed a compulsory slave contract, unless the master destroys the contract, he will never be able to escape the master's control for the rest of his life.The slave contract can control the slave's life and death.

"These are your slave contracts, I will destroy them on the spot now."

Zhang Tianhao destroyed the slave contract with flames on the spot.

A group of slaves saw Zhang Tianhao destroy the slave contract with their own eyes.Suddenly shocked.Because they feel that the imprint of slavery on their spirits has disappeared.It is natural to know that Zhang Tianhao's destruction of the slave contract is true.

Moreover, Zhang Tianhao paid a huge price to photograph them.But now that the contract is destroyed, Zhang Tianhao's price is really high.For a moment, these slaves looked at Zhang Tianhao with complicated eyes.

A young girl stood up, looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked, "Thank you son, I want to know, since you destroyed the slave contract, you bought us back. What is this for?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at the girl and knew her name was Dugu Yu, so he said to her, "Your name is Dugu Yu? The eldest lady of the Dugu family?"

The girl nodded, looked at Zhang Tianhao and said with a sad expression: "My name is Dugu Yu, but I am not the eldest lady of the Dugu family."

Zhang Tianhao nodded and said to Duguyu: "Your question is very good, I can answer you, because in my eyes, there are no slaves, and there should be no slaves in this world. There are only superiors and subordinates. If you are willing to follow I, in the future, I will give you dignity and give you everything you deserve. In my courtyard, everyone is brothers and sisters. Although you and I have a subordinate relationship, I will not abuse and punish you. If you make a mistake, there are laws Restrict you. Of course, if any of you wants to leave now, I will not stop him, and I will even pay him the travel expenses. Now you can decide. If no one chooses to leave within a stick of incense, I will treat you as willing to stay .”

(End of this chapter)

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