Chapter 1421
"Fall me down!"

Zhang Tianhao approached like a ghost, and then punched the thick-browed young man's chest up and down.

"Bang!" A sound.

The thick-browed young man didn't even see the figure clearly, his chest felt like a heavy hammer, "Wow!", and fell to the ground.He vomited blood.

" Brother Wu will not let you go." The thick-browed youth said angrily.

"Who is Brother Wu, I don't know. But you... this time I'm done."

Watching Zhang Tianhao walking towards him step by step.A trace of fear appeared on the expression of the thick-browed youth.He said to him: "You... what do you want to do?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at the thick-browed young man and said, "What do I want to do? Didn't you want to destroy my feet before? Now I'm using my own way to control my body."

" dare..."

The thick-browed young man looked terrified.For these Emperor Wu, although it is not difficult to regenerate a severed limb, there are methods, but it is also very difficult to restore it.At least it will take a while.At that time, many opportunities will be missed, which is definitely not what he wants.


Zhang Tianhao stepped on the left foot of the young man with thick eyebrows.


The thick-browed youth screamed like a pig being slaughtered.Zhang Tianhao stepped on his right foot again.Both of his feet were abolished.

"Take him back and tell Senior Brother Wu that he wants to trouble me. I, Zhang Tianhao, will follow suit. Don't send these cannon fodder any more," Zhang Tianhao said coldly.

After speaking, Zhang Tianhao strode away.

Zhang Tianhao came to Zhenbao Pavilion.All Xiaoyaozong disciples can check the list of medicines in Zhenbao Pavilion through the light curtain.

Zhang Tianhao searched on the light screen of Zhenbao Pavilion, and sure enough, he found many medicinal materials that he needed to refine Fenxue Pill.Eight out of ten | Nine can be found here.In addition, he has asked Shen Xinru to help him collect the medicinal materials, in his opinion, it should not be difficult to collect the medicinal materials of the Fenxue Pill.

"Oh, it's just that there are no contribution points. It seems that we still need to find some tasks to increase the contribution points." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

Zhang Tianhao came to the mission hall again.

At this moment, the tasks in the mission hall have been updated.

Kill the poisonous corpse in the Tiannan Jueming Swamp and get the corpse pill.One hundred thousand contribution points.

This is a good contribution.I took it.Zhang Tianhao came to the registration office.At this moment, the person in charge of registration is still the previous senior brother.When he saw Zhang Tianhao, he was slightly surprised: "It's you?"

Zhang Tianhao nodded and said, "It's me. I'm going to take over the task of the deadly swamp poisonous corpse."

"Junior brother, you want to take this task?" The senior brother in charge of registration looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, looked at the brother with a half-smile and asked: "This time, how many people will be needed to pick it up?"

The senior smiled and said: "Of course not, the junior has completed the task of the red flower spider, and it is the second time to accept the task, so there is no need for this condition. It's just that the task of the deadly swamp poisonous corpse is very dangerous, so the junior should think again Just one click."

"Well, no need, this is the mission. I need contribution points. This mission is suitable for me." Zhang Tianhao said to the registered senior brother.

"Oh, that's fine, I'll wish the senior brother a successful start." Seeing Zhang Tianhao's insistence, the senior brother stopped persuading him.

Just when the senior brother was about to register.

"Wait a minute!" A clear female voice sounded from the side.

Zhang Tianhao looked around and found a beautiful girl beside him.The whole person exudes an ethereal temperament.Beautiful facial features, smart eyes.She is a girl who is absolutely not inferior to Murong Xian'er,

"What do you mean?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the girl and frowned.

"This mission, this girl took over." The girl said.

The senior in charge of registration shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Miss Feishuang, this junior has already accepted this task."

"Then let it out." Ximen Feishuang said disdainfully.

"Sorry, this task is important to us. I must accept this task." Zhang Tianhao said.

" dare you disrespect this girl." Ximen Feishuang was furious.

Zhang Tianhao glanced at Ximen Feishuang, and said: "Although you are very beautiful, but we don't know each other well, why should I give you face?"

Ximen Feishuang suddenly became angry.This was the first time she met such a recalcitrant person.

"You are not a man." Ximen Feishuang said angrily.

Zhang Tianhao glanced at Ximen Feishuang, and jokingly said, "Whether I'm a man or not, you'll find out if you try."

"Damn..." Ximen Feishuang was furious.

"Ahem, cough... Actually, you don't need to fight. There is more than one poisonous corpse in the Deadly Swamp. You can cooperate." The senior brother said.

"Oh, brother, what do you mean, if you can get two corpse pills, it will be counted as two points?" Zhang Tianhao asked.

"Of course, there are a lot of poisonous corpses in the Desperate Swamp, and each corpse pill is worth [-] contribution points. This mission is issued by the Pill Pavilion, and there is no upper limit." The senior in the mission hall said.

"Okay, that's no problem. I'm just curious. This task has so many contribution points. Why are so few people accepting it?" Zhang Tianhao asked curiously.

"Hehe, this is normal. Because if you want to go to the Jueming Swamp, you have to find a way to deal with the evil spirit of the Deadly Swamp. After the evil spirit enters your body, even the emperor can't stand it. The mild ones will be insane, and the severe ones will explode. Death. This is not a joke." The brother of the mission hall said.

Zhang Tianhao's expression suddenly became serious.From this point of view, this mission is no joke.But it's okay, the reward for the task is so high, maybe a lot of contribution points can be earned at one time.

"Hey, did you hear that, this mission is no joke. You'd better not go, this girl can complete this mission by herself." Ximen Feishuang said proudly to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao glanced at Ximen Feishuang, shook his head and said, "I don't need to worry about it, I've accepted the task this time."

Zhang Tianhao strode away after receiving the task card.

"Damn it!" Ximen Feishuang felt a little annoyed when he saw Zhang Tianhao's voice leaving.

After explaining to Murong Xian'er, Feng Qingwu and others, Zhang Tianhao left Xiaoyaozong.

Originally, Murong Xian'er, Feng Qingwu and others also wanted to go with him, but it happened that several of them had a retreat plan, so they gave up.

After leaving Xiaoyaozong, Zhang Tianhao realized that he didn't even know where the Jueming Swamp was.

Zhang Tianhao patted himself on the head, and said a little depressed: "I knew that when I was in Xiaoyaozong, I would have taken a map in the mission hall."

"Go to Tianling City first, and you should be able to find a guide."

After thinking about it, Zhang Tianhao flew towards Tianling City.

(End of this chapter)

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