The strongest fury system

Chapter 1422 Looking for Poisonous Corpse

Chapter 1422 Looking for Poisonous Corpse
Zhang Tianhao in Tianling City has not been here yet.After arriving in Tianling City, he realized that this place is also very prosperous.There is a lot of traffic and crowds.

Zhang Tianhao came to the car and horse shop.

Chemaxing is similar to the taxi company of the earth.

When Zhang Tianhao walked into the car dealership.A shopkeeper came up.came before him.

"Guest officer, what do you need?"

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, and said to the shopkeeper, "I want to go to the Swamp of Death."

"Ah, guest officer, we won't go to this place." When the shopkeeper heard about this place, he shook his head like a rattle.

"100 million low-grade crystals!"

The shopkeeper hurriedly said: "Guest officer, it's not about money. It's just that we can't go to this place by car."

"200 million!" Zhang Tianhao said.

"Guest officer, we... really won't go..."

However, when these words were spoken, the shopkeeper's voice was not as firm as before, apparently a little loose.

"500 million, leave if you can, otherwise I will find someone else." Zhang Tianhao said.


The shopkeeper suddenly looked a little moved.Although this Desperate Swamp is indeed somewhat dangerous, wealth and wealth are found in danger.Their car and horse dealerships are currently in dismal business, and they haven't received such a large order for a long time.Therefore, the shopkeeper is indeed very moved at the moment.

"How is it?" Zhang Tianhao continued to ask the shopkeeper.

"Okay, guest officer, but I have one condition. People in our car dealership will not enter the Swamp of Desperation." The shopkeeper said.

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, he was just going to the Deadly Swamp.People who drive horses and horses can't get in, it doesn't affect him much.And as long as I know the route, it's not a problem to come back.

"Yes, I can agree to this condition." Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, and said to the shopkeeper.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao agreed to his terms, the shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief.For the car and horse dealers, as long as they don't enter the Deadly Swamp, other things are not too big of a problem.Immediately, the shopkeeper found a driver.The driver was a young man in his 20s.The strength is not high, only Wu Zunjing.But his demeanor was shrewd and capable.Zhang Tianhao was quite satisfied.

"Guest officer, you can just call him Xiaofu, and let him do anything." The shopkeeper said to Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao nodded.

"Xiaofu, just take this guest officer outside the Deadly Swamp. If you allow, you can wait outside the Deadly Swamp until the guest officer returns." The shopkeeper said to the clerk.

"Yes!" The guy nodded.

The flying vehicle used by the chariots and horses is a flying deer.He is extremely tall.The size is about the same as the elephant in the previous life.Pull a section of the carriage, there is no problem at all.

The cabin is fairly spacious and has all the daily necessities.Although Zhang Tianhao didn't care too much about this.But also very satisfied.I think it's worth the money.

Feilu's speed is good, at least it has reached a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.Equivalent to [-] kilometers per hour.This speed far exceeds the fastest bullet train on earth.

Zhang Tianhao sat in the carriage, took out a bottle of Moutai and drank it.There is a system mall, and you only need a few points at a very cheap price to enjoy it.

It feels strange to enjoy the products of the earth in Zhenwu Continent.

The flying boat soon arrived at the Heisha Forest outside the Deadly Swamp.

"Guest officer, Xiaofu can't go in here." Xiaofu respectfully said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao raised the curtain of the carriage, and asked Xiao Fu: "Well, is the Swamp of Desperation ahead?
Xiaofu hurriedly said to Zhang Tianhao: "That's right, guest officer, the Swamp of Desperation is ahead, you just need to follow the trail ahead to get in."

Zhang Tianhao nodded, and said to Xiaofu: "You wait for me outside the Dead Swamp for three days. After three days, if I fail to come out, you can go back by yourself first! The commission is still the same as before."

"Yes! Guest officer!" Xiao Fu respectfully said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao walked along the trail towards the Deadly Swamp.The further he went, the more he could feel a gray evil spirit eroding his protective air shield.

"It's such a terrible evil spirit, even my protective air shield can't completely resist it." Zhang Tianhao murmured, somewhat shocked.

"It seems that we still need to find a way from the system mall."

Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the system mall.Look for the elixir that can resist this evil spirit in the system mall.Sure enough, the system mall is all-encompassing, and all kinds of pills are needed.There are also many elixirs for this kind of resistance to evil spirits.Just looking at the series of zeros behind the elixir.There are only three lines on Zhang Tianhao's forehead.Immediately pull it down, these pills are really not something he can afford.

Zhang Tianhao pulled it straight to the end.See if there is a price you can accept.

"The body protection pill can resist evil spirits from entering the body for twelve hours." Zhang Tianhao saw a pill with an acceptable price.

50000 system mall points.But the disadvantage is that there are only twelve hours.But Zhang Tianhao didn't realize that he would stay in the Dead Swamp for too long.The big deal is to buy more body care pills.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Tianhao spent 100000 points in the system mall to buy two body protection pills.

After Zhang Tianhao bought two body protection pills, he entered the Swamp of Desperation.Zhang Tianhao walked for three hours in the Desperate Swamp.It's just that although many mysterious beasts and spirit beasts were found here, no poisonous corpses were found.

According to Zhang Tianhao's understanding in the mission hall.This deadly swamp seems to be an ancient battlefield tens of thousands of years ago.At that time, humans and extraterrestrial demons fought here, and the battle was very fierce.Many human warriors and foreign demons died here.Therefore, here is also for the dangerous place.The evil spirit is very strong.Both the animals and plants here are very scary.

Zhang Tianhao released Xiao Hei and Xiao Long.

"Can you resist the evil spirit here?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiao Hei and Xiao Long and asked

Zhang Tianhao released Xiao Hei and Xiao Long because he wanted them to find the poisonous corpse for him, otherwise, if he went alone to find it, he didn't know when he would find it.

Xiao Hei said to Zhang Tianhao: "Boss, although Xiao Hei doesn't like the environment here very much, the evil spirit here doesn't have much influence on us."

"Oh, that's great."

Next, Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiaolong and asked, "Xiaolong, what about you?"

Xiaolong also said: "Boss, even Xiaohei is fine, and Xiaolong is naturally fine."

"That's great, you guys help me find the poisonous corpses, and there will be rewards for all of them." Zhang Tianhao said to Xiao Hei and Xiao Long.

"Boss, do you have barbecue? It's been a while since we ate the barbecue you made, and the mouth is almost fading out." Xiao Long salivated and said to Zhang Tianhao.

(End of this chapter)

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