The strongest fury system

Chapter 1432 Fire Origin Fist

Chapter 1432 Fire Origin Fist

"Boom!" sounded.

Zhang Tianhao remained motionless, but the young man took three steps back.His wrist was a little numb, and he looked at him in shock.

"Hmph, that's interesting. Is it the Great Emperor Realm?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man and smiled faintly.

Zhang Tianhao could see that this young man's cultivation should be the strength of Emperor Wudi's seventh heaven.It's just that he also broke through to Emperor Wudi's seventh heaven just now.What's more, when Zhang Tianhao was in Emperor Senior Realm, he was not a bad emperor.What's more, now he is also in the Great Emperor Realm.

"Damn it... just fall down!"

The young man looked angry.

"Tiger Roaring Fist!"

The young man roared angrily.The strong clothes on his body rose without any wind and bulged, and behind him, a giant shadow of a tiger appeared.


A beast king's voice sounded.

The black tiger roared and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao frowned. He hadn't used the Huoyuanquan yet, and now he had a ready-made test product.

"Fire Element Fist!"

Zhang Tianhao punched the black tiger.


Zhang Tianhao's fist collided with the black tiger in the void.

In an instant, raging flames enveloped the black tiger.Swallow it instantly.

Zhang Tianhao's punch was wrapped in raging flames, and the momentum remained unchanged, and he blasted towards the young man again.

"Bang!" A sound.

Zhang Tianhao's punch hit the young man's body.

"Ah!" The young man screamed.The whole person was blown away by Zhang Tianhao's punch.

With a sound of "snap!", the young man fell to the ground.

"Wow!" The young man's expression was extremely sluggish, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

" Brother Wu will not let you go." The young man pointed at Zhang Tianhao and said bitterly.

"Hmph, you still dare to threaten me. If you hadn't said that you weren't rude to my maid, I would depose you today." Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man and said.

"Hmph, you wait."

After the young man finished speaking, he got up from the ground, turned around and swept away.

"This person is Sheng Tianming who ranks No. 80 in the inner sect. Why did he lose like this? Doesn't this mean that this new disciple is stronger than some old disciples?" A martial artist said in surprise.

"What does this mean? The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead." Another disciple said.

Zhang Tianhao was very satisfied with the power of Huoyuan Fist.It should be noted that this is not the full power of Huoyuanquan.Huo Yuanqiang's strongest power required Zhang Tianhao to use the Huo Yuan Saint Body to fully display it.In fact, he only exerted [-]% of the power of the punch just now.After all, Headless uses the Holy Physique of Huoyuan to bless his strength.Although the Huoyuan Quan can be used without Zhang Tianhao using the Huoyuan Saint Body.But the power will naturally be greatly reduced.

"My lord, who was that just now?" Song Sitian came behind Zhang Tianhao at some point.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said, "Huh, they're just boring people."

"Oh..." Song Sidian nodded.

In the secret room of a courtyard in the inner gate of Xiaoyao Sect, Sheng Tianming was standing there with a shy expression.

"How about the thing you were asked to do? Why didn't that person come?" A faint voice came from the secret room.With supreme majesty.

"Senior Brother Wu, that man is too crazy. I gave you your name, but he never paid attention to you." Sheng Tianming said.

"Hmph, arrogance, you don't need to worry about this matter. My son will leave the customs before the inner disciple examination in three months. At that time, this matter will be settled together." The voice said.

"Senior Brother Wu, you are about to leave the customs. Could it be that you have broken through..." Sheng Tianming looked overjoyed.

"Needless to say, you go!" said the voice.

"Yes...Senior Brother Wu..." Sheng Tianming respectfully agreed, turned around and left.

Just when Zhang Tianhao turned to go back to the courtyard.

Suddenly, the system's voice sounded: "Master, Murong Ziqian's soul power has weakened again. If no measures are taken, Murong Ziqian's three souls and seven souls will disappear!"

"What, how did this happen? Didn't I just give Murong Ziqian the Soul Cultivation Pill ten days ago? Why is her soul still dissipating?" Zhang Tianhao turned pale with shock.

"Because Murong Ziqian's soul body has developed an antibody to Yanghun Pill, the absorption power has weakened a lot. Moreover, long-term consumption of Yanghun Pill is not a solution." The voice of the system said.

"How could this be, how could this be..." Zhang Tianhao's voice was a little panicked.

Now there is only one phoenix treasure map left to find the land of phoenix nirvana. Seeing the hope of Murong Ziqian's resurrection, she didn't expect her soul body to be unable to hold on.This blow to Zhang Tianhao is undoubtedly huge.

"System, why do other ghosts exist for so long? Murong Ziqian's three souls and seven souls are so difficult to survive?" Zhang Tianhao asked the system a little puzzled.

"The host, Murong Ziqian's three souls and seven souls all exist in the state of the soul body, not alone. If it lives in the form of a ghost, it can naturally absorb the energy of the world. It can grow the soul body alone. But But it can no longer return to the original physical body. Because it cut off the connection with the original physical body. But Murong Ziqian does not exist in the form of a ghost, it exists in the soul body of the original three souls and seven souls of the human body Therefore, its soul power is being consumed all the time. Although your soul nourishing pill is easy to use, after the body develops antibodies, it will absorb less and less." The system said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao took a deep breath, and said to the system: "System, tell me, what should I do?"

"The system needs to charge for answering the host's questions. May the host pay the relevant fees?" the system said indifferently.

"it is good!"

Zhang Tianhao gritted his teeth.Although it hurts, it involves the resurrection of Murong Ziqian. No matter how difficult it is, no matter how high the price is, he must do it.Murong Ziqian was the person he loved the most in his life, not to mention that he died to save him in the end, so even if it cost him his life, he was duty bound.

"Okay, the system will deduct 10000 system mall points from the host." The system said.

"Huh? So this time you're so generous that you deducted 10000 points from me?" Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised.

"It depends on the mood of the system," the system said.

Zhang Tianhao: "..."

"Then can you tell me the steps now?" Zhang Tianhao asked the system.

"The first step, the player needs to help the soul body stimulate the will to survive. This can strengthen the power of the soul body in a short time." The system said.

"Uh, didn't the system tell me that I can't communicate with the soul body? Otherwise, I would have been talking to Ziqian every day?" Zhang Tianhao asked the system a little puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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