The strongest fury system

Chapter 1433 Dark Matter

Chapter 1433 Dark Matter

"Host, it is still possible to use music to communicate with the soul body. If Murong Ziqian liked music during her lifetime, the success rate of this communication will be twice the result with half the effort." The system said.

Zhang Tianhao heard the words and said: "Okay, let's do this!"

Zhang Tianhao recalled that in his memory, Murong Ziqian once asked his predecessor to sing to him.But Zhang Tianhao's predecessor was the master who was tone-deaf, and he would not agree to anything.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao never sang to Murong Ziqian in the end.This is also a very regrettable thing before the predecessor died.

"Predecessor, I did for you what you didn't do." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

When he was on Earth, Zhang Tianhao was a Maiba.Even participated in the Campus Song Grand Prix.Captured the top three good results.Therefore, he is somewhat sure about using his soul to impress Murong Ziqian's three souls and seven souls.

Zhang Tianhao entered the Nine Heavens Hall.He stared at Murong Ziqian's body lying in the ice coffin with bewilderment.Muttering: "Ziqian, don't you want to hear me sing? I'll sing for you..."

Zhang Tianhao took out a guitar and began to pluck it with his fingers.

you ask me how much i love you
how much i love you
my love is true

my love is true

the moon represents my heart

you ask me how much i love you
how much i love you
my love is unwavering


The song "The Moon Represents My Heart" is full of sadness and Zhang Tianhao's love for Murong Ziqian.

Murong Ziqian's three souls and seven souls clearly appeared beside Murong Ziqian's body.

"System, did I succeed?" Zhang Tianhao asked the system.

The system said to Zhang Tianhao: "It's not bad, it's almost catching up with me."

Zhang Tianhao: "..."

"The effect is very good. Murong Ziqian's three souls and seven souls have solidified again. It will be no problem to persist for another month." The voice of the system said.

Zhang Tianhao frowned. The implication of this system was that after a while, Murong Ziqian's body would still disappear again.

"This is natural, and your method is only effective for the first time, and the effect will be greatly reduced in the future. It is unrealistic for you to try to stimulate Murong Ziqian's own survival mechanism by singing love songs. "The system said.

"Then what to do, teach me the system!" Zhang Tianhao was also anxious when he heard that Murong Ziqian's three souls and seven souls might disappear at any time.

"It's very simple, go find dark matter or dark energy... As long as one of these two things is integrated into the three souls and seven souls, it is enough to make Murong Ziqian's three souls and seven souls permanent and stable. Especially dark energy, if it can be integrated into dark energy , if Murong Ziqian recovers, her strength can even surpass her original strength by more than a hundred times in one fell swoop!" said the system.

Dark matter, dark energy?Zhang Tianhao suddenly felt ten thousand grass | mud horses galloping past his eyes.

He has also heard about dark matter and dark energy.This is one of the great discoveries of modern geophysics.In the entire universe, dark matter and dark energy account for 96% of the matter in the universe.It's just that dark energy and dark matter are discovered by scientists using special methods.But it has been unable to capture.Now this system allows itself to find dark matter and dark energy, which is simply a joke.

"System, are you playing with me? How to capture this dark matter and dark energy?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the system and said.

"Hehe, host, the human technology on your earth is too outdated, so naturally it cannot be captured. But with your current conditions, it is indeed very difficult to capture dark energy." The system said.

"Damn it, the system, you are playing with me. I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now. Can you say something realistic?" Zhang Tianhao said speechlessly to the system.

"Don't worry, players. The system will not casually propose this method. Although it is true that the dark energy that occupies the largest population in the universe cannot be captured, dark matter is possible." The system said to Zhang Tianhao.

"Where is the dark matter?" Zhang Tianhao asked the system with a glimmer of hope.

"Some ghost kings have..." the system said.

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed immediately.Ghost King, that's easy.When he was in the Northern Territory, when he was in the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave in Wanmo Ridge, he captured all the ghosts there with the Soul Calling Banner.There are always many ghost kings here, right?
Just when Zhang Tianhao was secretly delighted.The system once again poured cold water on Zhang Tianhao.

"Unfortunately, player, there is no dark energy or dark matter in the body of the ghost king in Zhenwu Continent," the system said.

Zhang Tianhao was speechless immediately, with three black lines on his forehead, he said to the system: "System, do you like playing with me so much?"

"Player, don't be angry. Although there is no such thing in the Zhenwu Continent, when I took you to the Zhenwu Continent in my previous life, I discovered that there are rich dark matter in the bodies of some ghost kings on the earth." The system said.

Zhang Tianhao froze for a moment, and asked the system: "System, there are ghosts on the earth, why don't I know?"

The system said as a matter of course: "Of course, those ghosts, under normal circumstances, no one will interact with humans, unless it is a special case."

Zhang Tianhao was silent for a while, and said to the system: "System, you are still playing with me. If I could go back to Earth, I would have gone back a long time ago. What's the use of Earth now?"

Zhang Tianhao was tricked by the system over and over again, and became a little frustrated.

"Host, in fact, although you can't travel back to the earth, you can go back in some form. For example, a different-dimensional shuttle card, you can travel to a movie in your previous life, such as the midnight bell, the ghost call, those ghosts. Inside the body, dark matter is abundant..." the system said.

"System, if you're talking nonsense, it's more reliable. These are movies, not the real world..." Zhang Tianhao shook his head.

"You're wrong, hasn't the host heard of it. One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi? Those movies have become a world since their birth..." the system said.

Zhang Tianhao gradually understood, but asked the system in confusion: "But how do I enter those movie worlds?"

"Shuttle card!" the system said.

As soon as Zhang Tianhao heard the shuttle card, he immediately entered the system mall to look for it.Only the system mall has this thing.After searching in the system mall, he found a different-dimensional shuttle card, but after looking at the price, he felt helpless and full of despair.This is a different dimension shuttle card, a 1000 million system mall points.

With so many points, Zhang Tianhao doesn't even know when he will earn them.

"System, come out, I promise I won't kill you, 1000 million can buy one, how do you want me to buy it?" Zhang Tianhao said weakly.The only hope was shattered again.

"Actually, the system rewarded you with one card when you killed the enemy before," the system said.

(End of this chapter)

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